UCCS Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

CS 330 Software Engineering

Spring 2007, F 9:25-12:05 Room: EAS 138 (was SCI 239)

Reading Assignments
Grading Policy
Lecture Notes


Prof. Terry Boult Email (preferred form of contact):
Phone 719 262 3510 (office)     719 262 3900 (lab)   719 963 0573 (cell)
Office Location/Hours : Eng 294 Tues 12-1. Best choce is email to arrange a meeting

Course Objectives

This course covers the key aspects of software engineering and Development. The objectives of this course is help you understand the process of software engineering, software development, its tool and to make you a better computer scientist. This course is NOT mostly about coding, rather it is about the process, the teaming, and tools of software engineering. You are, based on the prerequisites, already expected to know programming in at least three languages, including Java, C & C++/C#.

More than anything, however, the objective is to help you learn to be a better "software system problem solver", a better manager of your personal software process and how to learn new tools as they emerge. In particular the course objectives include:

Textbooks and other readings

Grading/Homework Policy

Homework Policies and expected workload

Approximate Syllabus