UCCS Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

CS 330 Software Engineering Assignments

Overall SE

Individual Assignment 1, due Jan 30

Build a web page with your SE related "resume" including software skills and experience.. This will be used through the term for team assignments. Note the resume links will be added to the class web page, and are part of the grade, so keep them professional.

Write an essay, of approximately 1000 words, that discusses your "Best" and worst experiences in software engineering. The experience may be from a class, from a job, or just stuff you did on your own. But this is to be a fact-based essay, not fiction!

In your essay, you should related the 7 (standard) phases of the software engineering life cycle, and try to identify the life-cycle model used in the efforts.

You should turn in the essay electronically (email to tboult) before class on Monday Jan 30. The essay should also include a pointer to your online resume.

Some people have asked me about style. This is an essay not a itemized list. Try to make it interesting to read for someone that does not really understand SE. Imaging that this might be going to a VP of corporate strategy who is being asked to consider changes in your company, and hence trying to turn your next potential "worst" experience into a good one. If you want some examples of interesting essays, try joelonsoftware.com, e.g. the following article on daily builds is good example. The essay, "two stores" is closer in spirit to your assignment, but much longer.

CS330 Student's online resumes

When picking "Requirement/specificaiton/development teams", the team leaders may find this helpful.