CS 692 Shared reading list

Reading, Reviewing papers, and Good advice (But you don't have to review these).

Michael J. Hanson (updated and re-typeset by Dylan McNamee)
"Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology"

R. Levin and D. Redell
An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions
Operating Systems Review 17(3), July 1983, pp. 35-40

Jonathan Shewchuk
Three Sins of Authors in Computer Science and Math

Alan Jay Smith
The Task of the Referee
IEEE Computer 23(4), April 1990, pp. 65-71.

Robert B. Reinhardt An Architectural Overview of UNIX Network Security

Holbrook&Renolds editors (Internet RFC 1244), 1991 Site Security Handbook

R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman. "A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems." Communications of the ACM, 21(2):120-126, February 1978.
Public Key Cryptography
PGP overview
PGP algorithm overiew

Why Cryptosystems Fail, Ross Anderson (Read/review in detail)
Encryption Policy and Market Trends, Dorothy Denning (1997) (Not required but worth reading...)
SSL V3.0 (Do not have to read in detail but should get generally understanding>
D. Wagner and B. Schneier The Second USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce Proceedings, USENIX Press, November 1996, pp. 29-40. (Read/review in detail)

Steganography: Seeing the Unseen by Neil F. Johnson and Sushil Jajodia. IEEE Computer, February 1998: 26-34.

"Multimedia watermarking techniques," F. Hartung and M. Kutter, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information 87, June 1999.

Detecting Hidden Messages Using Higher-Order Statistics and Support Vector Machines
S. Lyu and H. Farid

5th International Workshop on Information Hiding, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2002

Please remember to email Dr. Boult with your personal papers by friday (or post them on the blog). Remember none of your personal papers can be references from the group paper.
Steganalysis of Images Created Using Current Steganography Software Neil F. Johnson and Sushil Jajodia
This article appears on pages 273-289 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1525, published by Springer-Verlag (1998) and is part of the proceedings for the Second Information Hiding Workshop held in Portland, Oregon, USA, April 15-17, 1998. (Can you say LPU?)

Cyber warfare: steganography vs. steganalysis Huaiqing Wang, Shuozhong Wang Pages: 76 - 82 Full text available on campus: Html(28 KB), Pdf(321 KB)

Thomas Ruggles's Biometric Technical Assessment European INFOSEC Commission's Final Report Biometric Techniques: Review and evaluation of biometric techniques for identification and authentication, including an appraisal of the areas where they are most applicable. summary Full report (word doc)

Intrusion Detection Read both. No review required. For Wed you need to each choose 2 papers. 1 on algorithms, one on systems.
Algorithm-based Approaches to Intrusion Detection and Response
Alexis Cort,
June 9, 2004

Distributed NIDS: A HOW-TO Guide
Alan McCarty,
November 6, 2003

Wireless and Sensor Network Security Secure Routing in Wireless sensor networks
SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks. Mobile Computing and Networking, 2001. by Adrian Perrig, Robert Szewczyk, Victor Wen, David Culler, J. D. Tygar.

Quantum Cryptography

Quick tutorial from http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~jford/crypto.html

First quantum cryptography network unveiled

Quantum Cryptography: Privacy Through Uncertainty by Salvatore Vittorio