CS 692 Reviews

The reviews for this class should be approximately 1-2 "text" page (i.e. 66 lines on a 80 char display). The should NOT just be a simple summary of the paper (e.g. a copy of the abstract/conclusions), they should be a critical review and should list short comings, missing elements (missing references if you know some), and any general problems you have with the paper. Your review needs to convince me that you really understood the paper and what was good/bad about it.

Your reviews should be posted on on the class review page. Each paper will have be its own "category", and the "title" of your review should be your name. You may edit your reviews (but I'll know it :-). Copying material from other reviews is strictly forbidden. (I may take the "review" posting stuff off-line until just befor eclass if I think its a problem). You are, however, encouraged to read the other reviews and comment on them.

For your group comparison the title should be all of the group members (in any order), and the category should be Week X Group comparison. Your group discussion should include the formal citation of the papers being discussed (with links if you can).