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The second part, which we will finish in class on friday is to build your "personal" web page(s) and your iTechKnow report page. On your web page have a "link" to the report page where you have your assignments/reports for this class or pointers to them. The first "report" to include is 100-200 word summary on your reactions to the "engineering tour of campus" and the most significant thing you learned from it. This should be finished Thursday. On Friday you should talk about what you did and what you learned in the morning "teaming" exercizes. Then describe and post your "design" notes from Friday's lunch session. Include a link to the powerpoint from your team on the two conceptual problems.
(Help on setting up the page can be found at http://www.uccs.edu/~helpdesk/unixweb.htm and local Help on getting started with Mozilla and a more general help editing html with Mozilla is on line as well.
You can download the mozilla editor from
and ssh from
For windows 2000 and newer use SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe For others look through the site for the right one.
Images from the tour are here
Based on the web-page your Preview Daze, complete an 500 word essay how you think engineering is, how it has impacted society and what you see as its greatest achievement. This should be on your web-page and have at least 2 images to help illustrate your ideas. This should be its own webpage. Also read the chapter on imaging from the text. Be ready to discuss.
You will develop a personal financial projection spreadsheet. First part of the assignment is to develop a detailed estimate of your expected yearly costs for 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021 and 2041. Your budget should be separated into "Required expences", "expected expenses" and "discretionary expenses", with a sub total for each. The Budget should be detailed and describe assumptions (e.g. food is 50 a week over the year, clothing, transportaiton, family costs, education, vacations, travel. ) You grade will depend, in part, on you having a relatively complete budget model (not necessarily everything you need is listed above) and justificaitons. If you need help on what should be in a budget I really recommend you ask your parents :-)
The second part of it the assignment is to take adapt that basic budget and estiamte the surplus (loss) under 6 different career scenarios:
By 5pm tuesday 10/24, email the sheet to Prof Boult. Turning in the sheets late late = 1/3 letter grade every 8 hours.