For decades have we been a pair
our lives entwined, our passion rare.
We thrive in the tranquility
of loves great giving canopy
I support you here, you me there.
We share the earth, the sun, the air,
the day, the night, the birds the bees,
and share our strength against the breeze
    I thank the stars you are my wife
    The roots in our great tree of life
I miss your voice, your smile, your hair,
your beauty, grace and savour-faire.
Sadness holds me till you I see
for you sustain my joie de vie.
How does it feels when you'er not there?
It feel as if I've mal de mer!
It 's dark and gloomy agony
without your luminosity
But like the tree I must forbare
The burdens that the fates prepare
to help me grow more heartily
and serve my love more Gingerly
    I thank the stars you are my wife
    The roots in our great tree of life