Computer Vision (Spring 2004) T. Boult
UCCS Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

CS 584 Computer Vision

Spring 2003

Grading Policy
Lecture Notes
What's new

  • Software assignment #1 (part 1, 80 pts). Due Feb 9. Using OpenCV, process your "picture" (i.e. photo from last week) to produce:
    1. A blurred facial image, 3 levels of blurring.
    2. A detected/localize face on all 4 (orig + 3 blurred images)
    3. and edge image with 3 different levels of "edgeiness", applied to all 4 images (i.e. 12 different images).
    4. 3 different levels of "segmented" image
    5. Write a openCV program that loads an image, blurs it, adds random noise, detects the face and computes the errors of the detection/localization. Run it for a range of parameters and report the errors. To facilitate comparison you should use both your picture and my picture (from my web page). You should explain how you define and computed the error in detection/localization.
    Your team will turn in your results by posting them on a web-page and emailing me the URL.
    Note: people have asked if you can use Hawk. The answer is yes but I strongly suggest you try to get the Compiler-version going in your environment. The next assignment is video based and it is hard to do it in Hawk.
    Results of Software project #1: