CS692 Advanced Topics in Security (Fall 2004) T. Boult
UCCS Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

CS 692 Advanced Topics in Network Security

Fall 2004 5:50pm - 7:05 SCI 269

Reading Assignments
Grading Policy
Lecture Notes


Prof. Terry Boult
Phone : 719 262 3510 (office)     719 262 3900 (lab)   719 963 0573 (cell)
Email :
Office Hours : TBD
Office Location : Monday Eng 294, Wed Modular 203 room 301 (lab)

Course Objective

The objectives of this course are to investigate advanced topics in security including The course structure will be based on papers with a term-long project.

Secondary objectives include:




  1. Students must be able to program in some advanced language (C++ and Java preferred).
    CS 145 or equivalent - Data Structures, good programming skills.
    CS306 (OO programing in C++). recommend
  2. Ability to convert vague problem descriptions (from papers) into computer algorithms. Recommended: CS330 Software Engineering
  3. CS592 (cryptography) recommended otherwise you should be very comfortable with mathematics (and have had the equivalent of Math 215,Math 318 and CS 522). If you don't understand DES and/or have a hard time following the pgpintroduction you may not be ready yet. (You might prepare over the summer by reading a book on cryptography).
  4. Basic understanding of Computer/Network Security Issues (e.g. CS591 recommended but not required)

Class Participation and Grading

There will be two grading schema, with your grade being the maximum of the two.
Grading system 1: (Presentation/Project weighted)
Final 25%
Project 25%
Weekly reviews 20%
Class participation/Presentations 30%
Under this opinion who have an A- or better before the final are guaranteed that the final exam cannot lower their grade (even if they get a zero).
Grading system 2: (Exam&Project weighted)
Final 40%
Project 25%
Weekly reviews 20%
Class participation/Presentations 15%

Each week will produce one review and one Class participation grade (F=0 thru A+=4.33), and the low and high grades will be dropped. Class participation grade will be based on my assessment of the students voluntary contribution, plus their response to questions I ask them during class, with the possible grades F, C,B,B+,A-,A. Interactions with the instructor outside of class, such as in office hours, is also considered "class" participation. Group "report"

There will be a number of chances for extra credit which is added to your final letter grade with 300pts extra credit = 1 letter grade. Extra credit does not impact curving. I do not offer individuals extra credit, if I offer it, it is offered to the entire class.

Teams will be self organizing for both group reviews, presentations and projects. Teams will be limited to groups of 3 unless I approve otherwise. Teams should submit a group report as well as a shorter individual report for each team member. The Individual reports should include a breakdown (by %) of who did what and should get what fraction of the credit.


I expect students to devote an average of 6-9 hours per week on the work for this class. Reading papers can be highly variable depending on your background and how much digging you do (reading references in the paper. ) You are not expected to become an expert in the paper but should be able to answer detailed questions. For some student the time needed to totally finish is unbounded. For the software assignments the average team should complete it on schedule. If, however, the team does not work effectively the time required could double or triple. Debugging badly understood/designed code could can make an assignment take unlimited amounts of time (like 100's of hours).

Course Outline

Following is a list of topics expected to be covered, in anticipated order, and with expected time to be spent on them. This list is intended to be only indicative, the actual topics, the order and the time may vary somewhat depending on various factors including student interests and preparation.

Week Lecture Topic Other Notes
Week 1 Introduction, How to Read Papers. Discussion of what students know about key Security issues. Initial Discussion of Class Project. Topic overviews No personal papers/discussion groups this week
2 Network Security Overview Group papers only, no Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
3 PGP, and PK encryption, & IPSec and VPNs Personal papers. 2-3 presentations
4 SSL and web security Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
5 Steganography and Watermarking Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
6 Steganalysis/ Project Status reports All groups present
7 Biometrics Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
8 Advanced Intrusion Detection Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
9 Security in Mobile and Sensor Networks Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
10 Physical Security/Surveillance Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
11 Puzzles as protection, Caputcha Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations
12 Evaluation of Security Systems Group and Personal papers. 1-2 presentations