- A. Rocha, W. Scheirer, T. Boult and S. Goldenstein “Vision of the Unseen: Current Trends and Challenges in Digital Image and Video Forensics” to appear in ACM Computing surveys.
- W. Scheirer, W. Bishop and T. Boult Beyond PKI: The Biocyptographic Key Infrastructure, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Dec 2010.
- A. Bendale and T. Boult, id-Privacy in Large Scale Biometric Systems, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Dec 2010.
- W. Scheirer, A. Rocha,, R. Micheals and T. Boult “Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization” European Conference on Computer Vison, Sept 2010.
- T. E. Boult, A. T. Chamillard, R. Lewis, N. Polok, G. Stock, D. Wortman “Innovations in University Education in Innovation: Moving Beyond the B.S.” Journal of Innovation Science, Vol 1, Num. 4, pp 167-178, Feb. 2010
- W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, B. Heflin, and T. Boult, “Difficult Detection: A Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Eye Detection for Unconstrained Environments,” the Third IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2009), Sept. 2009, Washington, D.C.
- W. J. Scheirer and T. E. Boult, “Bipartite Biotokens: Definition, Implementation, and Analysis”, the International Conference on Biometrics, June 2009
- W. Scheirer and T. Boult, “A Fusion-Based Approach to Enhancing Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition System Failure Prediction and Overall Performance”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics Theory Application and Systems, 2008.
- W. Scheirer and T. Boult, “Bio-Cryptographic Protocols with Bipartite Biotokens”, IEEE Biometrics Research Symposium at the Biometrics Consortium Conference, Sept 2008.
- Xiaobo Zhou , Dennis Ippoliti, Terrance Boult “Hop-count based probabilistic packet dropping: Congestion mitigation with loss differentiation” Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issue 18, 10 December 2007, Pages 3859-3869
- W. J. Scheirer and T. E. Boult, “Cracking Fuzzy Vaults and Biometric Encryption”, IEEE Biometrics Research Symposium at the National Biometrics Consortium Conference, Sept. 2007.
- T.E. Boult, W.J. Scheirer and R. Woodworth, “Revocable Fingerprint Biotokens: Accuracy and Security Analysis”, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2007.
- T. Zhang and T.E. Boult, “Two thresholds are better than one”, IEEE Seventh Workshop on Visual Surveillance, June 2007.
- Shree K. Nayar, Vlad Branzoi, Terrance E. Boult: Programmable Imaging: Towards a Flexible Camera. International Journal of Computer Vision 70(1): 7-22 2007.
- X. Zhou, D. Ippoli, T. Boult, “HPPD: A Hop-Count Probabilistic Packet Dropper,” IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006.
- T. E. Boult, “Robust distance measures for face recognition supporting revocable biometric tokens”, IEEE Conf. on Face and Gesture, April 2006.
- M.J. Zukoski, T. Boult and T. Iyriboz, “A novel approach to medical image compression”, Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, pages 89-103, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006,
- T.P. Ripokia and T.E. Boult, “Classification Enhancement via Biometric Pattern Perturbation”. IAPR Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, (AVBPA Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3546) pp850-859, July 2005.
- W. Li, X. Gao, Y. Zhu, V. Ramesh & T.E. Boult, “On the Small Sample Performance of Boosted Classifiers” IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Page(s):574 – 581 vol. 2., June 2005
- S. K. Nayar, P. N. Belhumeur and T. E. Boult, “Lighting Sensitive Displays”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 23, Issue 4, 963 – 979, 2004
- S. K. Nayar, V. Branzoi T. E. Boult, “Programmable Imaging using a Digital Micro-mirror Array” IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2004. Winner: Best paper Award
- Li Yu, Terrance E. Boult, “Understanding Images of Graphical User Interfaces: A New Approach to Activity Recognition for Visual Surveillance,” Second IEEE Workshop on Event Mining, in conjunction with IEEE CVPR04.
- Binglong Xie, Visvanathan Ramesh and Terrance Boult. “Sudden illumination change detection using order consistency”, Image and Vision Computing Volume 22, Issue 2 , 1 February 2004, Pages 117-125.
- T.E. Boult, X. Gao, R. Micheals, and M. Eckmann, “ Omni-directional Visual Surveillance” Image and Vision Computing Volume 22, Issue 7 , 1 July 2004, Pages 515-534
- Binglong Xie, D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh, M. Simon and T.Boult “Component Fusion for Face Detection in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise” Pattern Recognition, Proceeding of the 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany, September 10-12, 2003, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2781 / 2003, pp. 434-441.
- X.Gao, V.Ramesh and T.E. Boult,, “Statistical Characterization of Morphological Operator Sequences”, Proc. of the European Conference on Computer Vision, May, 2002.
- Y.U. Chen and T.E. Boult, “Dynamic Home Agent Reassignment in Mobile IP” IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2002.
- R.J. Micheals and T.E. Boult, “Efficient Evaluation of Classification and Recognition Systems” , Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Dec 2001.
- T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, X. Gao and M. Eckmann, “Into the woods: visual surveillance of non-cooperative and camouflaged targets in complex outdoor settings” , the Proceedings of the IEEE, Oct 2001.
- M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult, “Efficient super-resolution via image warping”, Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier House, July, 2000.
- W. Yin and T.E. Boult, “Physical Panoramic Pyramid and Noise Sensitivity in Pyramids”, Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2000
- X.Gao, T.E. Boult, F.Coetzee and V.Ramesh “Error Analysis of Background Adaption”, Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2000
- T. O’Donnell, X.S. Fang, T.E. Boult, and A. Gupta. “The extruded generalized cylinder: A deformable model for object recovery.” InDeformable Models in Medical Image Analysis, editors: A. Singh, D. Goldgof, and D. Terzopoulos. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
- T.O’Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. “The Hybrid Volumetric Ventriculoid: A model for MR-SPAMM 3-D analysis.” In Deformable Models in Medical Image Analysis, editors: A. Singh, D. Goldgof, and D. Terzopoulos. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. This led to US Patent # 5,923,770
- S.K. Nayar, X.S. Fang and T.E. Boult. “Separation of Reflection Components Using Color and Polarization” International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol 21 #3, pp 163-186, 1997.
- T.O’Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. “A New Model of the Recovery of Cylindrical Structures from Medical Image Data”, the first IEEE Proceedings on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine, 1997.
- M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. “Local Blur Estimation and Super-Resolution” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1997.
- T.O’Donnell, T.E. Boult and A.Gupta. “Global models with parametric offsets as applied to cardiac motion recovery.” in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1996. This led to US Patent # 6,088,472.
- A. Gross and T.E. Boult. “Understanding Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: A Case Study”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Feb 1996.
- B. Yener and T.E. Boult. “Flow Trees: a Lower Bound Computational Tool for Network Optimization, the Journal of High Speed Networks, Special Issue on WDM Networks, 4:1, 99-113, 1995.
- T.E. Boult, R.A. Melter, F. Skorina and I. Stojmenovic “Applications of G-neighbors to Image Processing and Morphology”, Machine Graphics and Vision Int. Journal, Nov. 1995.
- T.O’Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. “The hybrid volumetric ventriculoid: A model for MR-SPAMM 3-D analysis.” In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computers in Cardiology, Oct 1995. (Finalist in best paper award competition.) This led to US Patent # 5,923,770
- T.O’Donnell, T.E. Boult and A. Gupta. “A Periodic Generalized Cylinder Model with Local Deformations for Tracking Closed Contours Exhibiting Repeating Motion”, the Proc. of the International Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Nov 1994.
- T. O’Donnell, X.S. Fang, T.E. Boult, and A. Gupta. “The extruded generalized cylinder: A deformable model for object recovery.” In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, p174-182, June 1994.
- B. Yener and T.E. Boult. “A Study of Upper and Lower Bounds for Minimum Congestion Routing in Lightwave Networks”, IEEE INFOCOM, June 1994.
- A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. “Analyzing Skewed Symmetries.” International Journal of Computer Vision, Nov 1994.
- S.K. Nayar, X.S. Fang and T.E. Boult. “Removal of Specular Reflections and Interreflections Using Color and Polarization,” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1993.
- T.E. Boult and G.Wolberg. “Local Image Reconstruction and Sub-Pixel Restoration Algorithms.” Computer graphics and image processing: Graphical models and Image processing (CVGIP:GMIP), Vol 55, No. 1. pp. 63-77, Jan. 1993.
- T.E. Boult and L.G. Brown. “Factorization-based Segmentation of Motions.” in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Motion Understanding, pages 179-186, Oct 1991.
- L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult. “Constraining Object Features Using a Polarization Reflectance Model.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), , 13(6), pages 635-657, July 1991.
- T.E. Boult and L.B. Wolff. “Physically-based Edge Labeling.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 656-663, June 1991.
- T.E. Boult, “Dynamic Digital Distance Maps in Two Dimensions.” IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation pages 590-603, Oct 1990.
- T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. “An Almost Optimal Complexity Algorithm for Computing Topological Degree in Two Dimensions”. SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computation, pages 686-698, 1989.
- L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult, “Polarization / Radiometric Based Material Classification”. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 387-395, 1989.
- L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult, “Using Line Correspondence Stereo to Measure Surface Orientation” in Proc. of the International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1655-1660, 1989.
- G.Wolberg and T.E. Boult. “Separable Image Warping with Spatial Lookup Tables”. Computer Graphics, Vol 23 pages 369-378, 1989. (Also Proc. of the ACM SIGGAPH 1989. This lead to US Patent #5,204,944.)
- T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. “Can We Approximate Zeros of Functions with Non-Zero Topological Degree?” Journal of Complexity, 3(2), pages 317-329, 1988.
- T.E. Boult and L.H. Chen. “Synergistic Smooth Surface Stereo”. Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 118-123, 1988.
- A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. “Error of Fit Measures for Recovering Parametric Solids”. Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 690-695, 1988.
- T.E. Boult and L.H. Chen. “Analysis of Two New Stereo Matching Algorithms”. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 177-182, 1988.
- M.L. Moerdler and T.E. Boult. “The Integration of Information from Stereo and Multiple Shape-From Texture Algorithms.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 524-529, 1988.
- T.E. Boult. “Optimal Algorithms: Tools for Mathematical Modeling.” Journal of Complexity, 3(2) 1987.
- T.E. Boult. “What is Regular in Regularization?” Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 457-462, 1987.
- T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. “Complexity of Computing Topological Degree of Lipschitz Functions in N-Dimensions.” Journal of Complexity, 2(1), pages 44-69, March 1986.
- T.E. Boult and J.R. Kender. “Visual Surface Reconstruction using Sparse Depth Data.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 68-77, 1986.
Other Refereed Publications
- A. Sapkota, B. Parks, W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, “FACE-GRAB: Face Recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary Operator,” in Proc. of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop of Biometrics, June 2010, San Francisco, CA.
- V. Iyer, S. Kirkbride, B. Parks, W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, “A Taxonomy of Face Models for System Evaluation,” IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG 2010), June, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
- W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, B. Heflin, and T. Boult, “Difficult Detection: A Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Eye Detection for Unconstrained Environments,” presented at the Third IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2009), September 2009, Washington, D.C.
- T. Boult and W. Scheirer, “Long Range Facial Image Acquisition and Quality,” in M. Tistarelli, S. Li and R. Chellappa, editors, Biometrics for Surveillance and Security. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
- Walter J. Scheirer, Abhijit Bendale and Terrance E. Boult, Predicting Biometric Facial Recognition Failure with Similarity Surfaces and Support Vector Machines, IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics 2008
- Michael Eckmann and Terrance Boult, Spatio-Temporal Consistency and Distributivity as Qualities of Features, IEEE Workshop on Visual Localization for Mobile Platforms, June 2008.
- T. E. Boult “Beyond the BS, Teaching Innovation”, National Collegiate Inventors And Innovators Alliance, National Conference, 2008.
- T.E. Boult, W.J.Scheirer and R. Woodworth, “FAAD: Face at a Distance”, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando FL, April 2008
- T.E. Boult and R. Woodworth, “Privacy and Security Enhancements in Biometrics”, Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems, N. Ratha and V. Govindaraju editors. Springer. 2007.
- T. E. Boult and J. Haefner “Beyond The Bachelor Of Science”, American Society for Engineering Education, 2007.
- R.J. Micheals and T. E. Boult, “Improving Variance Estimation in Biometric Systems”, IEEE Workshop on Biometrics, June 2007.
- Li Yi and T. E. Boult, “Systems issues in Distributed Multi-modal Surveillance”, in Multi-modal Surveillance: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems , Z. Zhu and T. Huang editors, Artech Publishers, 2007.
- A. Chattopadhyay and T. E. Boult, “PrivacyCam: A Privacy Preserving Camera using uClinux on the Blackfin DSP”, Third IEEE Workshop on Embedded Vision Systems, June 2007
- Binglong Xie, Visvanathan Ramesh, Ying Zhu Terry Boult “On Channel Reliability Measure Training for Multi-Camera Face Recognition” IEEE Workshop on the Application of Computer Vision, Feb 2007.
- A. Viswanathan and T. Boult, “Power Conservation in ZigBee Networks using Temporal Control” , IEEE Int. Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing, Jan 2007.
- Alison Brown, Peter Brown, Jacob Griesbach, Terry Boult, A Wireless GPS Wristwatch Tracking Solution Proceedings of SDR Forum 2006, Orlando, FL, November 2006
- B. Xie, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, Y. Zhu, “Multi-Camera Face Recognition by Reliability-Based Selection“, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety, October 2006.
- Terrance E. Boult, R.C. Johnson, Tracy Pietre, R. Woodworth, Tao Zhang A Decade of Networked Intelligent Video Surveillance , ACM Workshop on Distributed Camera Systems, 2006.
- T. E. Boult, “PICO: Privacy through Invertible Cryptographic Obscuration”, IEEE/NSF Workshop on Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environments, Nov 11, 2005.
- T.E. Boult, “Ultra-wide field of view face recognition”, Biometric Symposium Sept. 2005.
- G. Zheng, T.E. Boult,C.-J. Wang, “Projective Invariant Hand Geometry: An overview”, Biometric Symposium, Sept. 2005.
- Weiliang Li, X. Gao and T.E. Boult, “ Predicting Biometric System Failure“, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety, March 2005.
- Biometrics and Privacy Issues, presentation at NIST Personal Identity Verification Workshop.
- G. Zheng C.J. Wang and T.E.Boult “Personal Identification by Cross Ratios of Finger Features , IAPR workshop on Biometrics Challenges from Theory to Practice, August. 2004
- T. Riopka and T. Boult “The Eyes have it” , ACM Workshop on Biometric Methods and Applications, Nov. 2003
- Yu Li and T. Boult “Understanding Images of Graphical User Interfaces: A new approach to activity recognition for visual surveillance”, ACM UIST 2003, (Doctoral Symposium and poster presentation) Oct 2003.
- T. Boult “Geo-spatial Active Visual Surveillance on Wireless Networks” IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, October 2003.
- Binglong Xie, V.Ramesh and T.E.Boult “Sudden Illumination Change Detection Using Order Consistency” Workshop on Statistical Methods in Video Processing (in conjunction with ECCV2002), June 2002. journal version
- X. Gao, T.E. Boult, and V. Ramesh “Error Characterization of Detection and Morphological Filtering” International Symp. on Mathematical Morphology, (Co-sponsored by IAPR), April 2002
- R.J. Micheals, T.E. Boult, “A Stratified Methodology for Classifier and Recognizer Evaluation”, IEEE Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, Dec 2001.
- T.E. Boult, M.C. Chiang and R.J. Micheals, “Super-Resolution via Image Warping”, Chapter 6 in Super-Resolution Imaging, S. S.Chaudhuri (ed.) ISBN 0-7923-7471-1, Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001.
- S. Nayar, P. Belhumeur, T.E. Boult, “Lighting Sensitive Displays” SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, July 2001.
- Y.U. Chen and T.E. Boult, “IDNS – a simple approach to Internet host portability”, 8th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. (SoftCOM 2000), pp. 839-848. Oct. 2000 co-sponsored by IEEE COMSOC.
- J.W. Kim and T.E. Boult, “Efficient Run Time optimization with Static Single Assignment,” in Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS2000), pp 67-74. Lake Balaton, Hungary, Sept 2000. Kluwer.
- R.J. Micheals and T.E. Boult, “On the Robustness of Absolute Orientation” in in Proc. of the Inter. Association for Science and Technology Development (IASTED) Conf on Robotics and Automation, Aug. 2000.
- T.E. Boult, “DOVE: Dolphin Omni-directional Video Equipment” in in Proc. of IASTED Conf on Robotics and Automation, Aug. 2000.
- T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, M. Eckmann, X. Gao, C. Power, and S. Sablak, “Omnidirectional Video Applications”, 8th Inter. Symp. Intelligent Robotics Systems, (Keynote address), July 2000.
- C. Power and T.E. Boult, “Evaluation of an Omnidirectional Vision Sensor for Teleoperated Target Detection and Identification”, in Proc. of the ICRA Vehicle Teleoperation Workshop, April 2000.
- T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, X. Gao, P. Lewis, C.Power, W. Yin, and A. Erkan, “Frame-rate omnidirectional surveillance & tracking of camouflaged and occluded targets,” in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Surveillance, June 1999.
- T.E. Boult, “Personal panoramic perception,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, pp. 383-390, World Sci. Eng. Soc., July 1999.
- S. Sablak and T.E. Boult, “Multilevel color histogram representation of color images by peaks for omni-camera,” in Proc. of IASTED conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct. 1999.
- T.E. Boult, “Remote Reality” SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, July 1998.
- T.E. Boult, C. Qian, W. Yin, A. Erkin, P. Lewis, C. Power, R.J. Micheals, “Applications of Omnidirectional Imaging: Multi-body tracking and remote reality”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Dec 1998.
- M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult, “Efficient Image Warping and Super-Resolution”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Dec 1996.
- L.M.Gottesfeld Brown and T.E. Boult, “Registration of Planar Film Radiographs with Computed Tomography”, IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging, 1996.
- M. Hebert, J. Ponce, T.E. Boult, A. Gross and D. Forsyth (eds) “3-D Object Representation for Computer Vision” Springer Verlag Series: Lecture Notes in Compter Science., # 994, 1995.
- M.Hebert., J.Ponce, T.E. Boult, and A.D. Gross. “Report on NSF/ARPA workshop on 3D object Representation in Comp. Vision”, in Object Representation in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. #994, pages 1-18.
- T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and T. O’Donnell “Physics in a Fantasy World vs Robust Statistical Estimation” in Object Representation in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., # 994, p227-296.
- J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. “The Image Understanding Environments Program: current status” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1992.
- T.E. Boult and George Wolberg. “Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 684-687, June 1992.
- J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. “The Image Understanding Environments Program.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 406-417, June 1992.
- Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. “SYMAN: a SYMmetry ANalyzer.” Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 747-777, June 1991.
- T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. “Energy-based Segmentation of Sparse Range Data.” pages 43-50, in Curves and Surfaces, P.J. Laurent, A.L. Méhauté and L. L. Schumaker (eds.) Academic Press, NYC, NY, 1991.
- Michelle Baker and T.E. Boult. “Pruning Bayesian Networks for Efficient Computation”, in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Volume VIedited by P.P. Bonissone, M. Henrion, L.N. Kanal, & J. Lemmer as part of the series Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, North Holland, 1991.
- T.E. Boult and Mark Lerner. “Energy-based Segmentation of Very Sparse Range Surfaces” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 232-237, 1990.
- Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. “Recovery of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders from Contour and Intensity Information”. in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 790-795, 1990.
- A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. “Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Analysis of Reflectance Properties and a Necessary Condition for Class Membership”. In Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1989.
- T.E. Boult. “Applications in Computer Vision”. Section 5.4 of Information-Based Complexity by J.F. Traub, G.W. Wasilkowski, and H. Wozniakowski. Academic Press, 1988.
- T.E. Boult. “Regularization: Promises and Problems”. In Proc. of the 41st Annual Conference of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, pages 27-31, May 1988.
- T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. “Recovery of Superquadrics from Depth Information”. In Proc. of the AAAI Workshop on Spatial-Reasoning and Multisensor Integration, pages 128-137, 1987.
- T.E. Boult. “Some Examples and Applications of Information-Based Complexity.” In Proc. of the First Bulgarian Conf. on Optimal Algorithms, pages 51-64, April 1986. Paper invited by the Bulgarian National Academy of Science.
- J. R. Kender, David Lee and T.E. Boult. “Information-Based Complexity Applied to Optimal Recovery of the 2 [ 1/2]D Sketch”. Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision: Representation and Control, pages 157-167, October 1985.
- T.E. Boult. “A Survey of Some Three Dimensional Vision Systems”. The Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence, pages 28-37, April 1985.
Other Publications |
- W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, T. Boult, and S. Goldenstein, “The Unseen Challenge Data Sets,” Invited Paper, First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of the Unseen, June 2008, Anchorage, AK.
- T. Boult, W. Scheirer and R. Woodworth, “FAAD: Face at a Distance,” presented at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, March 2008, Orlando FL.
- Alison Brown, Jacob Griesbach, Bruce Bockius, and Terry Boult GPS Tracking Location-Based Service Using Wristwatch GeoZigBee SensorsProceedings of the ION National Technical Meeting 2007, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2007
- T. L. Vogelsong, T. E. Boult, D. W. Gardner, R. Woodworth, R. C. Johnson, and B. Heflin, “24/7 Security System: 60 FPS Color EMCCD Camera with Integral Human Recognition”, SPIE Defense Symposium: Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense VII, April 2007.
- Alison Brown, Peter Brown and Jacob Griesbach, Terrence E. Boult GeoZigBee: A Wireless GPS Wristwatch Tracking Solution Proceedings of ION GNSS 2006, Fort Worth, Texas, September 2006
- M. Eckmann and T.E. Boult, “ A Mosaicing Technique from Omnidirectional Video”, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, SPIE, Nov. 2000.
- R. Micheals and T.E. Boult, “Increasing robustness in self-localization and pose estimation,” in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, SPIE, Sept. 1999.
- T.E. Bout S.K. Nayar, R. Wallace, P.K. Allen, R. Blum, J. R. Kender. “Advanced Visual Sensor Systems” Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
- S.K. Nayar and T.E. Boult, “Omni-directional Vision Systems” Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
- T.E. Boult, R. Micheals, A. Erkan, P. Lewis, C.Powers, C. Qian, and W. Yin, “Frame-rate Multi-body Tracking for Surveillance” Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
- M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. “Imaging-Consistent Super-Resolution”, Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, May. 1997.
- T.E. Bout S.K. Nayar, R. Blum, P.K. Allen, , J. R. Kender. “Advanced Visual Sensor Systems” Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, May. 1997.
- T.E. Boult and N.Narenthiran. “Color channel mixing in learning from appearance.” Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
- Ming-C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. “Image warping: Imaging-consistent reconstruction, the integrating resampler.” Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
- J. Dolan, C. Kohl, R. Lerner, J. Mundy, T.E. Boult, and J.R. Beveridge. “Solving Diverse Image Understanding Problems Using the Image Understanding Environment.” Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
- T.E. Boult, S.K. Nayar, R. Wallace, P.K. Allen, R. Blum, J. R. Kender. “Visual Sensor Systems: Making them Smaller, Faster, Smarter”. Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
- T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and J.W. Kim. “Dynamic Attributes, Code Generation and the IUE” In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 405-424, 1994.
- T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and T. O’Donnell. “Reinterpreting Physically-Motivated Modeling” In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 1375-1392, 1994.
- Bulent Yener, Terry Boult, Yoram Ofek, “Hamiltonian Decompositions of Regular Topology Networks with Convergence Routing,” IBM Research Report: RC 19810, November 1994. (Abstract)
- S. K. Nayar, Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult, and John R. Kender. and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 21-36, 1994.
- Bulent Yener, Terry Boult, Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung, “Multiple Global Virtual Ring Embeddings on the MetaNet,” IBM Research Report: RC 19209, October 1993. (Astract)
- T.E. Boult, Peter K. Allen, John R. Kender and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. InProc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 60-83, 1993.
- J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. The Image Understanding Environments Program. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 185-214, 1992.
- T.E. Boult and George Wolberg. Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 363-378, 1992.
- T.E. Boult and Lisa Gottesfeld Brown. Motion Segmentation Using Singular Value Decomposition. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 495-506, 1992.
- Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult, John R. Kender and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. InProc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 83-97, 1992.
- T. O’Donnell and T.E. Boult. Introduction of Explicit Sensor Models in Parametric Object Recovery. In Proc. of the 1991 SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion, November 1991.
- T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. Energy-based Segmentation of Sparse Range Surfaces. In Proc. of the 1990 SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion, November 1990.
- John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 11-19, 1990.
- Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. Recovery of Generalized Cylinders from a Single Intensity View. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 557-564, 1990.
- T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. Energy-based Segmentation of Very Sparse Surfaces. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 564-573, 1990.
- Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. Recovery of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders from Contour and Intensity Information. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, 1989.
- John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, 1989.
- T.E. Boult and Barry Allen. Integration of Navigational and Positional Information to Recover the Path of a Smoothly Moving Vessel. In Proc. of the 1988 SPIE Symposium on Sensor Fusion.
- L.H. Chen and T.E. Boult. An Integrated Approach to Stereo Matching, Surface Reconstruction and Depth Segmentation Using Consistent Smoothness Assumptions. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 166-176, 1988.
- T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. On the Recovery of Superellipsoids. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 1052-1063, 1988.
- Mark L. Moerdler and T.E. Boult. The Integration of Information from Stereo and Multiple Shape from Texture Cues. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 786-793, 1988.
- John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult and Hussein Ibrahim. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. InProc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 78-87, 1988.
- T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. Recovery of Superquadrics from 3-D Information. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, pages 358-365, 1987.
- T.E. Boult and Mark Moerdler. An Experimental System for the Integration of Information from Multiple Stereo Images and Multiple Shape-From-Texture Algorithms. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, pages 115-123, 1987.
- T.E. Boult. Updating Distance Maps when Objects Move. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Mobile Robots II, pages 232-238, 1987.
- T.E. Boult. Using Optimal Algorithms to Test Model Assumptions in Computer Vision. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 921-926, February 1987.
- John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 71-77, February 1987.
- T.E. Boult. Visual Surface Interpolation: A Comparison of Two Methods. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 446-478, December 1985.
- T.E. Boult and J.R. Kender. On Surface Reconstruction Using Sparse Depth Data. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 197-208, December 1985.