Distinguished Professor Emeritius |
EAS #3, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway |
Colorado Spring, CO 80918 |
Tel. (719) 255 3150 |
Jan 2025 - Present- University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. CU Distinguished Professor Emeritus-- Max 49% time research faculty position paid from grants. Active doing grants, helping other faculty, workting with community companies and mentoring students.
June 2020 - Dec 2024- University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. CU Distinguished El Pomar Prof of Innovation and Security
June 2003 - June 2020- University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. El Pomar Chair of Innovation and Security, Professor of Computer Science, Co-Director Bachelor of Innovation Programs, Director El Pomar Institute of Innovation and Commercialization, and Director Vision and Security Technology Lab. I came to UCCS to transform education, and from 2003-2007 l laid the groundwork for and was the founder of the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, which launched in 2007 and now serves over 600 students across 23 majors. In Fall 2020, I was recognized as a Distinguished Professor, the highest honor that the University of Colorado bestows on its own faculty members.
June 1998 - June 2003- Lehigh University, EECS Department. Professor of Computer Science. Appointed to the New Century Fund Chair (1998) and then the Wieseman Chair (2000). I was the founding Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Lehigh University, July 2001. From 1998 through 2001, lead the planning process and pitching the CSE department formation to the administration and board of trustees and operated as a subunit within EECS with duties much like a chairman before becoming the actual founding chairman.
Sep. 1994 - June 1998 - Lehigh University, EECS Department. Associate Professor of Computer Science. Started the Vision and Software Technology (VAST) laboratory.
Jan 1991 - Aug 1994 - Columbia Univ., Comp. Sci. Dept., Associate Professor.
Aug 1986 - Dec 1990 - Columbia Univ., Comp. Sci. Dept. Assistant Professor.
Education |
September 1984 to August 1986: Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Science. Ph.D. in Computer Science, Defended/Deposited Aug. 1986. Dissertation: Information-Based Complexity in Nonlinear Equations and Computer Vision. Advisers: J.R. Kender (computer vision), D. Krantz (human vision), J.F. Traub (information-based complexity), and K. Sikorski (nonlinear equations).
September 1983 to May 1984: Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science. MS in Computer Science. G.P.A. 3.92/4.0.
September 1979 to May 1983: Columbia University, SEAS. BS in Applied Mathematics. G.P.A. 3.6/4.0.
Honors |
· Best paper award CVPR workshop on Vision Datasets Unerstanding, 2022
· Distinguished Professor University of Colorado, 2020
· First UCCS Outstanding Research Mentorship Award, 2019
· WACV 2018, People Choice award for best paper
· IEEE Fellow 2017
· ICMLA 2017, Best Poster award
· IBM Best Student Paper, ICPR 2016
· Best Paper Award, IEEE Intelligence, and Security Informatics, 2016
· Colorado Springs Nikola Tesla Innovation Award 2015
· IEEE TPAMI Everingham Award ECCV 2014
· Best Reviewer Award, IEEE ICCV 2013, ECCV 2013, BTAS 2015, ECCV 2016, ICCV 2019
· Best Paper Award, IEEE WACV 2013
· Invited speaker, The twenty-first-century trans-disciplinary degree: the case of creativity-innovation degree programs (2013)
· Invited Speaker, IEEE Vision, Industry and Entrepreneur Workshop, 2012 and 2013
· IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program, 2011
· The inventor of the Year, Colorado's Celebrate Technology, 2010
· Keynote Speaker "National Workshop on Network Security" Assam, India, June 2010.
· Invited Keynote, IDGA, "Border Management Summit," Wash.DC, 2009
· New Program Innovation Award, American Society of Engineering Education, 2008
· Invited Speaker, IDGA, "Biometrics For National Security and Defense" 2008
· Finalist EE Times ACE awards, "Innovator of the Year" 2007
· Invited Speaker, IDGA, "Biometrics For National Security and Defense," 2008
· IEEE Golden Core Society, Jan 2006
· University of Colorado, Inventor of the Year Award, Colorado Spring Campus, 2005.
· IEEE Distinguished Service Award, June 2005
· University of Colorado, New Inventor of the Year Award, Colorado Spring Campus, 2004.
· IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference 2004 Best Paper Award (With S. Nayar and V. Branzoi).
· UCCS Engineering Faculty Research Award, 2004.
· El Pomar Chair of Computer Communication and Networking, UCCS, 2003.
· Wieseman Chair Professor of Comp. Sci ., 2000.
· New Century Fund Professor of Comp. Sci., 1998.
· Lehigh's P.C.Rosin College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award 1996.
· Lehigh University S.T.A.R. program, Favorite Faculty Award, 1995.
· NSF Presidential Young Investigator, 1990-1996.
· 1990 NCR Stakeholder award for outstanding faculty in Columbia University's Electrical Engineering or Comp. Sci. Dept.
· One of two US researchers invited by the Bulgarian National Academy of Science to present at the First Bulgarian Conference on Optimal Algorithms, 1986.
· IBM fellowship for doctoral studies in Computer Science, 1985-86
· Steven Abbey Memorial prize for excellence in undergraduate Engineering Mathematics.
Patents |
1. Machine learning systems and methods for improved localization of image forgery
A Ghosh, S Cruz, TE Boult, MK Singh, VS Veeravarasapu, Z Zhong
US Patent 11,663,489 2 2023
1. US Patent US20200384344A1 “Systems and methods for one-handed snowboard strapping”, Pro Se Patent, TE Boult
2. US Patent 11,392,800 “Systems and methods for blind localization of image forgery”, A Ghosh, Z Zhong, TE Boult, MK Singh
3. US Patent 11288820B2, “System and method for transforming video data into directional object count”, T. E. Boult
US Patent 11,295,240, “Systems and methods for machine classification and learning that is robust to unknown inputs” Pro Se Patent with UCCS grad student. TE Boult, AR Dhamija, M Günther
US Pat. No 10,742,417, “Secured biometric systems and methods” Bayan Alzahrani, Fahad Alsolami, T.E. Boult
US Pat. No. 9,687,736B2 "Method and apparatus for creative storytelling games," Pro Se patent with UCCS undergraduates: W. Faigen, C. Kazimierz Malec, T.A. Ray
US Pat. No. 9,166,796 "Secure biometric cloud storage system," with Abdullah Albahdal.
US Pat. No 8,838,990, "Bio-cryptography: secure cryptographic protocols with bipartite biotokens" With W. Scheirer
Us Pat. No 8,675,119, "Adaptive imaging using digital light processing ," with S. Nayar
Us Pat. No 8,073,244, "Automatic design of morphological algorithms for machine vision," with X. Gao and V. Ramesh
US Pat. No 7,773,784, "Revocable biometrics with robust distance metrics," Sole Inventor. (EU, AU and CA patents as well).
US Pat. No. 7,623,685, "Biometric signatures and identification through the use of projective invariants" with G. Zheng Gang and C.J. Wang of UCCS.
US Pat. No. 7,428,337 "Automatic design of morphological algorithms for machine vision" joint with X. Gao and V. Ramesh of Siemens CRC.
US Pat. No. 7,495,699 " Imaging method and system," joint with Shree K Nayar of Columbia University
US Pat. No. 7,006,128: "Object Detection for Sudden Illumination Changes Using Order Consistency," joint with B. Xie and V. Ramesh of Siemens CRC.
US Pat. No. 6,088,472: ``Global Models with Parametric Offsets for Object Recovery'' joint with T. O'Donnell and A. Gupta of Siemens CRC.
US Pat. No. 5,923,770: ``3D Cardiac Motion Recovery System Using Tagged MR Images'' joint with T. O'Donnell and A. Gupta of Siemens CRC.
US Pat. No. 5,883,630: ``Incompressibility Constraints for Inferring 3-D Tessellation'' joint with T. O'Donnell and A. Gupta of Siemens CRC.
US Patent 5,204,944: ``Separable Image Warping Methods and Systems with Spatial Lookup Tables'' joint with G. Wolberg.
Boult, T., Scheirer, W. (2024). A Unifying Framework for Novelty. Boult, T., Scheirer, W. (eds) A Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty. Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33054-4_1
Journal and Significant Conf. Pubs.1
Vareto, Rafael Henrique, Yu Linghu, Terrance Edward Boult, William Robson Schwartz, and Manuel Güntherl "Open-set face recognition with maximal entropy and Objectosphere loss.", Image and Vision Computing 141 (2024): 104862.
AlShami, Ali, Terrance Boult, and Jugal Kalita; "Pose2Trajectory: Using transformers on body pose to predict tennis player’s trajectory." Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 97 (2023): 103954.
Shrivastava, A., P. Kumar, Anubhav, C. Vondrick, W. Scheirer, D. S. Prijatelj, M. Jafarzadeh et al. "Novelty in Image Classification." In A Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty: Discussions, Guidelines, and Examples for Artificial Intelligence, pp. 37-48. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Boult, T., N. M. Windesheim, S. Zhou, C. Pereyda, and L. B. Holder. "Novetly in 3D CartPole Domain.", In A Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty: Discussions, Guidelines, and Examples for Artificial Intelligence, pp. 21-35. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Grabowicz, P. A., C. Pereyda, K. Clary, R. Stern, T. Boult, D. Jensen, and L. B. Holder. "Novelty in 2D CartPole Domain." In A Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty: Discussions, Guidelines, and Examples for Artificial Intelligence, pp. 5-19. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
H Wu, G Bezold, M Günther, T Boult, MC King, KW Bowyer ; Consistency and accuracy of celeba attribute values Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop 2023 Best Paper Award
W Robbins, S Zhou, A Bhatta, C Mello, V Albiero, KW Bowyer, TE Boult ; CAST: Conditional Attribute Subsampling Toolkit for Fine-Grained Evaluation; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer 2023
TE Boult, NM Windesheim, S Zhou, C Pereyda; Weibull-Open-World (WOW) Multi-Type Novelty Detection in CartPole3D; LB Holder Algorithms 15 (10), 2022
C Li, M Günther, AR Dhamija, S Cruz, M Jafarzadeh, T Ahmad, TE Boult; Agglomerative Clustering with Threshold Optimization via Extreme Value Theory; Algorithms 15 (5), 2022
C Gorog, P Russell, TE Boult, PN Brown; Carbon-neutral distributed ledger; 2022 IEEE PES Transactive Energy Systems Conference (TESC), 1-5 1 2022
Ahmad, Touqeer; Jafarzadeh, Mohsen; Dhamija, Akshay Raj; Rabinowitz, Ryan; Cruz, Steve; Li, Chunchun; Boult, Terrance E; ; Enhanced Performance of Pre-Trained Networks by Matched Augmentation Distributions, IEEE Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2022
Robbins, Wes; Boult, Terrance E; On the Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence in the Feature Space of Deep Face Recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 1618-1626 2022
Ahmad, Touqeer; Dhamija, Akshay Raj; Jafarzadeh, Mohsen; Cruz, Steve; Rabinowitz, Ryan; Li, Chunchun; Boult, Terrance E; Variable Few Shot Class Incremental and Open World Learning, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 3688-3699 2022
Ahmad, Touqeer; Dhamija, Akshay Raj; Cruz, Steve; Rabinowitz, Ryan; Li, Chunchun; Jafarzadeh, Mohsen; Boult, Terrance E; Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning Leveraging Self-Supervised Features, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition workshops 3900-3910 2022
Boult, Terrance; Grabowicz, Przemyslaw; Prijatelj, Derek; Stern, Roni; Holder, Lawrence; Alspector, Joshua; Jafarzadeh, Mohsen M; Ahmad, Toqueer; Dhamija, Akshay; Li, Chunchun; Towards a unifying framework for formal theories of novelty Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 17 15047-15052 2021
Boult, Terrance E; Zhuang, Yanyan; PORT: Pooled Ordered Rectangular Testing for Improved Public Health Screening 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) 238-242 2021
Li, Chunchun; Günther, Manuel; Boult, Terrance E; ComFu: Improving Visual Clustering by Commonality Fusion 2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 143-150 2021
PRM Júnior, T.E. Boult, J Wainer, A Rocha, “Open-set support vector machines”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021
T. E. Boult, P. A. Grabowicz, D. S. Prijatelj, R. Stern, L. Holder, J. Alspector, M. Jafarzadeh, T. Ahmad, A. R. Dhamija, C.Li, S.Cruz, A. Shrivastava, C. Vondrick and W. J. Scheirer, “Towards a Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty”, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021.
Jafarzadeh, T Ahmad, AR Dhamija, C Li, S Cruz, TE Boult “Automatic Open-World Reliability Assessment” IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp. 1984-1993. 2021
Ghosh, Z. Zheng, S. Cruz, S. Veeravasarapu, M. Singh, and T.E. Boult. " Infoprint: Information-Theoretic Digital Image Forensics,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 2020
M Günther, AR Dhamija, TE Boult,” Watchlist Adaptation: Protecting the Innocent” 2020 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, 2020
A Dhamija, M Gunther, J Ventura, T Boult “ The Overlooked Elephant of Object Detection: Open Set,” EEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 1021-1030
J Schwan, A Dhamija, T Boult, “I-MOVE: Independent Moving Objects for Velocity Estimation,” J.Schwan, A Dhamija, T Boult. The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 1101-1110
T.E. Boult, S Cruz, AR Dhamija, M Gunther, J Henrydoss, WJ Scheirer. "Learning and the unknown: Surveying steps toward open world recognition" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33, 9801-9807 2019
23. A Raj Dhamija, M Günther, TE Boult, "Improving Deep Network Robustness to Unknown Inputs with Objectosphere" Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Workshops 2019
A Rozsa, M Günther, EM Rudd, TE Boult. "Facial attributes: Accuracy and adversarial robustness" Pattern Recognition Letters 124, 100-108 2019
Benight, Charles C., Kotaro Shoji, Carolyn M. Yeager, Pamela Weisman, and Terrance E. Boult. "Predicting Change in Posttraumatic Distress Through Change in Coping Self-Efficacy After Using the My Trauma Recovery eHealth Intervention." JMIR mental health, no. 4 (2018): e10309.
Akshay Raj Dhamija, Manuel Günther, and Terrance Boult. "Reducing Network Agnostophobia." In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 9174-9185. 2018.
Adria Mallol-Ragolta, Svati Dhamija, and Terrance E. Boult. "A Multimodal Approach for Predicting Changes in PTSD Symptom Severity." In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp. 324-333. ACM, 2018.
Adil Ahmad, Daniel Lemmond, and Terrance E. Boult. "Chainlets: A New Descriptor for Detection and Recognition." In 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1897-1906. IEEE, 2018.
Chunchun Li, Manuel Günther, and Terrance E. Boult. "ECLIPSE: Ensembles of Centroids Leveraging Iteratively Processed Spatial Eclipse Clustering." In 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 131-140. IEEE, 2018.
Abigale Graese, Dan Lemmond, Terrance E Boult, "The Bachelor of Innovation: A Student’s Perspective," - 6th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2018
Ethan M. Rudd, Manuel Günther, Akshay R. Dhamija, Faris A. Kateb, and Terrance E. Boult. "What’s Hiding in My Deep Features?." Deep Learning in Biometrics (2018): 153.
Andras Rozsa, Manuel Günther, and Terrance E. Boult. "Towards robust deep neural networks with BANG" IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2018. People Choice Award for best paper.
Svati Dhamija and Terrance E. Boult. Automated Action Units Vs. Expert Raters: Faceoff, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2018.
Ethan M. Rudd, Lalit P. Jain, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "The Extreme Value Machine", IEEE Tran. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) March 2018.
James Henrydoss, Steve Cruz, Ethan Rudd, Terrance E. Boult, "Incremental Open Set Intrusion Recognition Using Extreme Value Machine," in IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications, Dec. 2017 Best Poster award
Svati Dhamija and T.E. Boult, Automated Mood-aware Engagement Prediction," Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2017.
Manuel Günther, Andras Rozsa, and Terrance E. Boult. "AFFACT-Alignment Free Facial Attribute Classification Technique." IEEE Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB) (2017).
Emersic, Ziga et al. "The Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge." IEEE Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB) (2017).
Manuel Günther, et al. "Unconstrained Face Detection and Open-Set Face Recognition Challenge." IEEE Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB) (2017).
Andras Rozsa, M Günther, Ethan M. Rudd, Terrance E. Boult, "LOTS about Attacking Deep Features," IEEE Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB) (2017).
Andras Rozsa, M Günther, Ethan M. Rudd, Terrance E. Boult, "Adversarial Robustness: Softmax versus Openmax," Britsh Machine Vision Conference, 2017.
M Günther, S. Cruz, E Rudd, T.E Boult, "Toward Open-Set Face Recognition", IEEE CVPR, Biometrics Workshop, 2017.
Svati Dhamija and T.E. Boult, "Exploring Contextual Engagement for Trauma Recovery," IEEE CVPR, Workshop on Deep Affective Learning and Context Modeling, 2017.
Bradley, Chloe, Terrance E. Boult, and Jonathan Ventura. "Cross-Modal Facial Attribute Recognition with Geometric Features." In Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on, pp. 891-896. IEEE, 2017.
S. Cruz, C. Coleman, E.M. Rudd, and T.E Boult, "Open set intrusion recognition for fine-grained attack categorization", IEEE Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2017.
Ethan M. Rudd, Lalit P. Jain, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "The Extreme Value Machine", IEEE Tran. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) May 2017.
K. Alzhrani, E.M. Rudd, C. E. Chow, and T.E. Boult, "Automated US diplomatic cables security classification: Topic model pruning vs. classification based on clusters", IEEE Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2017.
E. Rudd, Andras Rozsa, M Günther, T.E Boult, "A survey of stealth malware: Attacks, mitigation measures, and steps toward autonomous open world solutions," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 1145 - 1172, Dec 2016
Andras Rozsa, Manuel Günther, Ethan M. Rudd, and Terrance E. Boult. "Are facial attributes adversarially robust?." In Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on, pp. 3121-3127. IEEE, 2016. IBM Best student paper award
Abigail Grease, Andras Rozsa, and T. Boult. "Assessing the threat of adversarial examples on deep neural networks". IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications, Dec. 2016
Andras Rozsa, M Günther, E Rudd, T.E Boult, "Are Accuracy and Robustness Correlated?", IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications, Dec. 2016
Ayodele, Anthony O., Jia Rao, and Terrance E. Boult. "Towards application-centric fairness in multi-tenant clouds with adaptive CPU sharing model." In Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on, pp. 367-375. IEEE, 2016.
K. Alzhrani, E.M. Rudd, C. E. Chow, and T.E. Boult, "Automated big security text pruning and classification," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp 3629-3637.
K. Alzhrani, E.M. Rudd, T.E. Boult, and C. E. Chow, "Automated Big Text Security Classification," IEEE Conf. on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2016. Best Paper Award
E Rudd, M Günther, T Boult, "MOON: A Mixed Objective Optimization Network for the Recognition of Facial Attributes", ECCV 2016.
A. Bendale and T.E. Boult "Towards Open set Deep Networks". IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016, Short Oral).
Richard White, Aaron Burkhart, Randy George, Terrance Boult, Edward Chow, Towards comparable cross-sector risk analyses: A re-examination of the Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection (RAMCAP) methodology, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, Volume 14, September 2016, Pages 28-40, ISSN 1874-5482, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2016.05.001.
Andras Rozsa, Ethan M. Rudd, Terrance E. Boult Adversarial Diversity and Hard Positive Generation The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, June 2016
Ethan M. Rudd, Manuel Günther, Terrance E. Boult; PARAPH: Presentation Attack Rejection by Analyzing Polarization Hypotheses, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2016, pp. 103-110
Ethan M. Rudd, Terrance E. Boult; "CALIPER: Continuous Authentication Layered With Integrated PKI Encoding Recognition" The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2016, pp. 127-135
White, Richard, Randy George, Terrance Boult, and C. Edward Chow. "Apples to Apples: RAMCAP and Emerging Threats to Lifeline Infrastructure." Homeland Security Affairs 12 (2016).
Abhijit Bendale, Terrance E. Boult; "What Do You Do When You Know That You Don't Know?" The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2016, pp. 1-8
F.E Alsaadi and T.E. Boult "Furthering fingerprint-based authentication: Introducing the true-neighbor template" 2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1-7
A. Bendale and T.E. Boult " Towards Open World Recognition .” IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2015, Oral).
A.O. Ayodele, J. Rao, T.E. Boult; "Performance Measurement and Interference Profiling in Multi-tenant Clouds" 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 941-949
Andras. Rozsa, Albert E. Glock, Terrance E. Boult; " Genetic Algorithm Attack on Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Authentication and Protected Template Fingerprint Systems" The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2015, pp. 100-108
W. Scheirer, L. Jain, T.E. Boult " Probability models for open set recognition.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, TPAMI 36(11), November 2014.
Richard White, Terrance Boult, and Edward Chow. "A computational asset vulnerability model for the strategic protection of the critical infrastructure." International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 7.3 (2014): 167-177.
Lalit P. Jain, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "Multi-Class Open Set Recognition Using Probability of Inclusion," Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Springer International Publishing, 393-409. September 2014.
Abhijit Bendale and T.E. Boult, Reliable Posterior Probability Estimation for Streaming Face Recognition, IEEE CVPR Workshop on Biometric 2014.
Walter J. Scheirer, Michael Wilber, Michael Eckmann, Terrance E. Boult, "Good Recognition is Non-metric," Pattern Recognition, August 2014.
Michael Wilber, Ethan Rudd, Brian Heflin, Yui Man Lui & T.E. Boult, " Exemplar Codes for Facial Attributes and Tattoo Recognition," IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision, March 2014.
P. F. Felzenszwalb, T. E. Boult, D. A., Forsyth, & P. Fua, (2013). TPAMI CVPR Special Section. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(12), 2819-2820.
Archana Sapkota and Terrance E. Boult, "Large Scale Unconstrained Open Set Face Database," IEEE Int. Conf. Biometrics Theory, Application, and Systems (BTAS) 2013.
Archana Sapkota, R. Gopalan, E. Zavesky, and T.E. Boult, "Appearance, Context and Co-occurrence Ensembles for Identity Recognition in Personal Photo Collections," IEEE Int. Conf. Biometrics Theory, Application, and Systems (BTAS) 2013.
Abdullah A. Albahdal, Hamdan Alzahrani, Lalit Prithviraj Jain, and Terrance E. Boult, "Trusted BWI: Privacy and Trust Enhanced Biometric Web Identities," IEEE Int. Conf. Biometrics Theory, Application, and Systems (BTAS) 2013.
R.C. Johnson, T. E. Boult and W.J. Scheirer " Voice Authentication Using Short Phrases: Examining Accuracy, Security and Privacy Issues," IEEE Int. Conf. Biometrics Theory, Application, and Systems (BTAS) 2013.
Archana Sapkota and Terrance E. Boult, " GRAB: Generalized Region Assigned to Binary," EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, special issue on Local Binary Pattern (LBP)-based image and Video Analysis, 2013.
Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Archana Sapkota, Terrance E. Boult, Towards Open Set Recognition IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), July 2013.
Michael J. Wilber, Walter J. Scheirer, Phil Leitner, Brian Heflin, James Zott, Daniel Reinke, David Delaney, Terrance E. Boult, "Animal Recognition in the Mojave Desert: Vision Tools for Field Biologists," Proc. IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan 2013. Best Paper Award
Walter J. Scheirer, Neeraj Kumar, Peter N. Belhumeur, Terrance E. Boult, "Multi-Attribute Spaces: Calibration for Attribute Fusion and Similarity Search," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2012.
Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Jonathan Parris, Terrance E. Boult, "Learning for Meta-Recognition," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS), August 2012.
Walter J. Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Ross J. Micheals, Terrance E. Boult, "Meta-Recognition: The Theory and Practice of Recognition Score Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1689-1695, Mar. 2011, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2011.54 Bibtex Preprint
A. Rocha, W. Scheirer, T. Boult, and S. Goldenstein "Vision of the Unseen: Current Trends and Challenges in Digital Image and Video Forensics" ACM Computing Surveys, Oct 2011.
Walter J. Scheirer, Neeraj Kumar, Karl Ricanek, Terrance E. Boult, Peter N. Belhumeur, "Fusing with Context: a Bayesian Approach to Combining Descriptive Attributes," Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), October 2011.
Jon Parris, Michael Wilber, Brian Heflin, Ham Rara, Ahmed El-barkouky, Aly Farag, Javier Movellan, Anonymous, Modesto Castrilon-Sanatana, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro, Mohammad Nayeem Teli, Sebastien Marcel, Cosmin Atanasoaei, and Terry Boult. "Face and Eye Detection on Hard Datasets", Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2011), October, 2011
T.Zhang and T.E. Boult, Realistic Stereo Error Models, and Finite Optimal Stereo Baselines, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Jan 2011.
W. Scheirer, W. Bishop and T. Boult "Beyond PKI: The Biocyptographic Key Infrastructure," IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Dec 2010.
A. Bendale and T. Boult, id-Privacy in Large Scale Biometric Systems, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Dec 2010.
W. Scheirer, A. Rocha,, R. Micheals and T. Boult "Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization" European Conference on Computer Vision, Springer LNSC 6313, pp481-495, Sept 2010.
T. E. Boult, A. T. Chamillard, R. Lewis, N. Polok, G. Stock, D. Wortman "Innovations in University Education in Innovation: Moving Beyond the B.S." Journal of Innovation Science, Vol 1, Num. 4, pp 167-178, Feb. 2010
B. Heflin, W Scheirer, and T.E. Boult, "Correcting rolling-shutter distortion of CMOS sensors using facial feature detection," IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2010
B Parks. and T.E. Boult., " Top-down facilitation of multistage decisions for face recognition ," IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2010
VN Iyer, WJ Scheirer and TE Boult, "Face system evaluation toolkit: Recognition is harder than it seems," IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2010
W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, B. Heflin, and T. Boult, "Difficult Detection: A Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Eye Detection for Unconstrained Environments," the Third IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2009), Sept. 2009, Washington, D.C.
W. J. Scheirer and T. E. Boult, "Bipartite Biotokens: Definition, Implementation, and Analysis," the International Conference on Biometrics, June 2009
W. Scheirer and T. Boult, "A Fusion-Based Approach to Enhancing Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition System Failure Prediction and Overall Performance," IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics Theory Application and Systems, 2008.
W. Scheirer and T. Boult, "Bio-Cryptographic Protocols with Bipartite Biotokens", IEEE Biometrics Research Symposium at the Biometrics Consortium Conference, Sept 2008.
Gang Zheng, Chia-Jiu Wang, and Terrance E. Boult, Application of Projective Invariants in Hand Geometry Biometrics IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2007. DOI 10.1109/TIFS.2007.908239
Xiaobo Zhou , Dennis Ippoliti, Terrance Boult "Hop-count based probabilistic packet dropping: Congestion mitigation with loss differentiation" Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issue 18, 10 December 2007, Pages 3859-3869
W. J. Scheirer and T. E. Boult, "Cracking Fuzzy Vaults and Biometric Encryption", IEEE Biometrics Research Symposium at the National Biometrics Consortium Conference, Sept. 2007. (Note while not a selective venue, with >350 citations it is a significant paper).
T.E. Boult, W.J. Scheirer and R. Woodworth, "Revocable Fingerprint Biotokens: Accuracy and Security Analysis", IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2007.
T. Zhang, T.E. Boult, and R.C. Johnson "Two thresholds are better than one," IEEE CVPR Workshops, Seventh Workshop on Visual Surveillance, June 2007.
Shree K. Nayar, Vlad Branzoi, Terrance E. Boult: Programmable Imaging: Towards a Flexible Camera. International Journal of Computer Vision 70(1): 7-22 2007.
X. Zhou, D. Ippoli, T. Boult, "HPPD: A Hop-Count Probabilistic Packet Dropper," IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006.
T. E. Boult, "Robust distance measures for face recognition supporting revocable biometric tokens", IEEE Conf. on Face and Gesture, April 2006.
M.J. Zukoski, T. Boult, and T. Iyriboz, "A novel approach to medical image compression," Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, pages 89-103, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006,
T.P. Ripokia and T.E. Boult, "Classification Enhancement via Biometric Pattern Perturbation". IAPR Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, (AVBPA Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3546) pp850-859, July 2005.
W. Li, X. Gao, Y. Zhu, V. Ramesh & T.E. Boult, "On the Small Sample Performance of Boosted Classifiers" IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Page(s):574 - 581 vol. 2., June 2005
S. K. Nayar, P. N. Belhumeur and T. E. Boult, "Lighting Sensitive Displays", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 23, Issue 4, 963 - 979, 2004
S. K. Nayar, V. Branzoi T. E. Boult, "Programmable Imaging using a Digital Micro-mirror Array" IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2004. Winner: Best Paper Award
Li Yu, Terrance E. Boult, "Understanding Images of Graphical User Interfaces: A New Approach to Activity Recognition for Visual Surveillance," Second IEEE Workshop on Event Mining, in conjunction with IEEE CVPR04.
Binglong Xie, Visvanathan Ramesh and Terrance Boult. "Sudden illumination change detection using order consistency," Image and Vision Computing Volume 22, Issue 2 , 1 February 2004, Pages 117-125.
T.E. Boult, X. Gao, R. Micheals, and M. Eckmann, `` Omni-directional Visual Surveillance'' Image and Vision Computing Volume 22, Issue 7 , 1 July 2004, Pages 515-534
Binglong Xie, D. Comaniciu, V. Ramesh, M. Simon and T.Boult "Component Fusion for Face Detection in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise" Pattern Recognition, Proceeding of the 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany, September 10-12, 2003, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2781 / 2003, pp. 434-441.
X.Gao, V.Ramesh and T.E. Boult,, ``Statistical Characterization of Morphological Operator Sequences'', Proc. of the European Conference on Computer Vision, May, 2002.
Y.U. Chen and T.E. Boult, ``Dynamic Home Agent Reassignment in Mobile IP'' IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2002.
R.J. Micheals and T.E. Boult, ``Efficient Evaluation of Classification and Recognition Systems'' , Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Dec 2001.
T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, X. Gao and M. Eckmann, ``Into the woods: visual surveillance of non-cooperative and camouflaged targets in complex outdoor settings'' , the Proceedings of the IEEE, Oct 2001.
M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult, ``Efficient super-resolution via image warping'', Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier House, July, 2000.
W. Yin and T.E. Boult, ``Physical Panoramic Pyramid and Noise Sensitivity in Pyramids'', Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2000
X.Gao, T.E. Boult, F.Coetzee and V.Ramesh ``Error Analysis of Background Adaption'', Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2000
T. O'Donnell, X.S. Fang, T.E. Boult, and A. Gupta. ``The extruded generalized cylinder: A deformable model for object recovery.'' In Deformable Models in Medical Image Analysis, editors: A. Singh, D. Goldgof, and D. Terzopoulos. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
T.O'Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. ``The Hybrid Volumetric Ventriculoid: A model for MR-SPAMM 3-D analysis.'' In Deformable Models in Medical Image Analysis, editors: A. Singh, D. Goldgof, and D. Terzopoulos. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. This led to US Patent # 5,923,770
S.K. Nayar, X.S. Fang and T.E. Boult. ``Separation of Reflection Components Using Color and Polarization'' International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol 21 #3, pp 163-186, 1997.
T.O'Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. ``A New Model of the Recovery of Cylindrical Structures from Medical Image Data'', the first IEEE Proceedings on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine, 1997.
M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. ``Local Blur Estimation and Super-Resolution'' Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1997.
T.O'Donnell, T.E. Boult and A.Gupta. ``Global models with parametric offsets as applied to cardiac motion recovery.'' in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1996. This led to US Patent # 6,088,472.
A. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``Understanding Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: A Case Study'', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Feb 1996.
B. Yener and T.E. Boult. ``Flow Trees: a Lower Bound Computational Tool for Network Optimization, the Journal of High-Speed Networks, Special Issue on WDM Networks, 4:1, 99-113, 1995.
T.E. Boult, R.A. Melter, F. Skorina and I. Stojmenovic ``Applications of G-neighbors to Image Processing and Morphology'', Machine Graphics and Vision Int. Journal, Nov. 1995.
T.O'Donnell, A.Gupta and T.E. Boult. ``The hybrid volumetric ventriculoid: A model for MR-SPAMM 3-D analysis.'' In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computers in Cardiology, Oct 1995. (Finalist in the best paper award competition.) This led to US Patent # 5,923,770
T.O'Donnell, T.E. Boult and A. Gupta. ``A Periodic Generalized Cylinder Model with Local Deformations for Tracking Closed Contours Exhibiting Repeating Motion'', the Proc. of the International Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Nov 1994.
T. O'Donnell, X.S. Fang, T.E. Boult, and A. Gupta. ``The extruded generalized cylinder: A deformable model for object recovery.'' In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, p174-182, June 1994.
B. Yener and T.E. Boult. ``A Study of Upper and Lower Bounds for Minimum Congestion Routing in Lightwave Networks'', IEEE INFOCOM, June 1994.
A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``Analyzing Skewed Symmetries.'' International Journal of Computer Vision, Nov 1994.
S.K. Nayar, X.S. Fang and T.E. Boult. ``Removal of Specular Reflections and Interreflections Using Color and Polarization,'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1993.
T.E. Boult and G.Wolberg. ``Local Image Reconstruction and Sub-Pixel Restoration Algorithms.'' Computer graphics and image processing: Graphical Models and Image processing (CVGIP:GMIP), Vol 55, No. 1. pp. 63-77, Jan. 1993.
T.E. Boult and L.G. Brown. ``Factorization-based Segmentation of Motions.'' in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Motion Understanding, pages 179-186, Oct 1991.
L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult. ``Constraining Object Features Using a Polarization Reflectance Model.'' IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), , 13(6), pages 635-657, July 1991.
T.E. Boult and L.B. Wolff. ``Physically-based Edge Labeling.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 656-663, June 1991.
T.E. Boult, ``Dynamic Digital Distance Maps in Two Dimensions.'' IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation pages 590-603, Oct 1990.
T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. ``An Almost Optimal Complexity Algorithm for Computing Topological Degree in Two Dimensions''. SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computation, pages 686-698, 1989.
L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult, ``Polarization / Radiometric Based Material Classification''. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 387-395, 1989.
L.B. Wolff and T.E. Boult, ``Using Line Correspondence Stereo to Measure Surface Orientation'' in Proc. of the International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1655-1660, 1989.
G.Wolberg and T.E. Boult. ``Separable Image Warping with Spatial Lookup Tables''. Computer Graphics, Vol 23 pages 369-378, 1989. (Also Proc. of the ACM SIGGAPH 1989. This lead to US Patent #5,204,944.)
T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. ``Can We Approximate Zeros of Functions with Non-Zero Topological Degree?'' Journal of Complexity, 3(2), pages 317-329, 1988.
T.E. Boult and L.H. Chen. ``Synergistic Smooth Surface Stereo''. Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 118-123, 1988.
A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``Error of Fit Measures for Recovering Parametric Solids''. Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 690-695, 1988.
T.E. Boult and L.H. Chen. ``Analysis of Two New Stereo Matching Algorithms''. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 177-182, 1988.
M.L. Moerdler and T.E. Boult. ``The Integration of Information from Stereo and Multiple Shape-From Texture Algorithms.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 524-529, 1988.
T.E. Boult. ``Optimal Algorithms: Tools for Mathematical Modeling.'' Journal of Complexity, 3(2) 1987.
T.E. Boult. ``What is Regular in Regularization?'' Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 457-462, 1987.
T.E. Boult and K. Sikorski. ``Complexity of Computing Topological Degree of Lipschitz Functions in N-Dimensions.'' Journal of Complexity, 2(1), pages 44-69, March 1986.
T.E. Boult and J.R. Kender. ``Visual Surface Reconstruction using Sparse Depth Data.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 68-77, 1986.
Other Refereed Publications
K Alzhrani, FS Alrasheedi, FA Kateb, TE Boult. "CNN with Paragraph to Multi-Sequence Learning for Sensitive Text Detection,” 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security
Y Alsahafi, D Lemmond, J Ventura, TE Boult. "CarVideos: A Novel Dataset for Fine-Grained Car Classification in Videos" 16th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations 2019
Svati Dhamija, and Terrance E. Boult. "Learning Visual Engagement for Trauma Recovery." In Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), 2018 IEEE Winter Applications of, pp. 84-93. IEEE, 2018.
Bihn, Michael, Manuel Günther, Daniel Lemmond, and Terry Boult. "Evaluating a Convolutional Neural Network on Short-Wave Infra-Red Images." In Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), 2018 IEEE Winter Applications of, pp. 18-27. IEEE, 2018.
Ethan M. Rudd, M Günther, Akshay R. Dhamija, Faris A. Kateb, and Terrance E. Boult, "What's Hiding in my Deep Features?," to appear in the book Deep Learning in Biometrics, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
White, Richard, Aaron Burkhart, Terrance Boult, and Edward Chow. "Towards a Comparable Cross-Sector Risk Analysis: RAMCAP Revisited." In Critical Infrastructure Protection X: 10th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2016, Arlington, VA, USA, March 14-16, 2016, Revised Selected Papers 10, pp. 221-237. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Alsaadi, Fawaz E., and Terrance E. Boult. "Perpetuating Biometrics for Authentication" Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 161-176. Springer, Cham, 2016.
James Henrydoss, and Terry Boult. "Critical security review and study of DDoS attacks on LTE mobile network." Wireless and Mobile, 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
Abdullah Albahdal and Terrance Boult, "Biocryptographic Secure Socket Layer (BSSL)," Academy of Science and Engineering (ASE), USA 2014, 2014-06-16
Albahdal, A. A., & Boult, T. E. (2014, April). "Problems and Promises of Using the Cloud and Biometrics." In Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2014 11th International Conference on (pp. 293-300). IEEE.
Alsolami, F., & Boult, T. E. (2014, April). "CloudStash: Using Secret-Sharing Scheme to Secure Data, Not Keys, in Multi-clouds.” In Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2014 11th International Conference on (pp. 315-320). IEEE.
R.C. Johnson and T. E. Boult " With Vaulted Voice Verification My Voice Is My Key," IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST '13), 2013.
Lalit Jain, Michael J. Wilber and T.E. Boult, "Issues in rotational (non-)invariance and image preprocessing," Proc. IEEE CVPR Workshop on Biometrics, (CVPRW 2013), June 2013.
Walter J Scheirer, Neeraj Kumar, Vijay N Iyer, Peter N Belhumeur, Terrance E Boult "How reliable are your visual attributes?" SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 87120Q-87120Q-12, May 2013.
R.C. Johnson, Walter J Scheirer and Terrance E Boult "Secure voice-based authentication for mobile devices: vaulted voice verification." SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.
Brian Heflin, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "Detecting and Classifying Scars, Marks, and Tattoos Found in the Wild" The IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Sept 2012.
M. Wilber, Brian Heflin, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "PRIVV: Private Remote Iris-authentication with Vaulted Verification", IEEE Workshop on Biometrics at IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, June 2012.
Archana Sapkota, Terrance E Boult, Context-Patch for Difficult Face Recognition, Inter. Conf. on Biometrics, 2012
Brian Heflin, Walter J. Scheirer, Terrance E. Boult, "For Your Eyes Only" Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), January 2012.
Michael Wilber and Terrance E. Boult, "Secure remote matching with privacy: Scrambled Support Vector Vaulted Verification S2V3" , IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Jan 2012.
Anthony Ayodele,James Henrydoss,Walter Schrier,T.E. Boult, "Study of Malware Threats Faced by the Typical Email User," in The Second International Workshop on Communications Security & Information Assurance (CSIA 2011), Springer LNCS 2011.
A. Sapkota, B. Parks, W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, "FACE-GRAB: Face Recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary Operator," in Proc. of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop of Biometrics, June 2010, San Francisco, CA.
V. Iyer, S. Kirkbride, B. Parks, W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, "A Taxonomy of Face Models for System Evaluation," IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG 2010), June, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
B. Heflin, B. Parks, W. Scheirer, T. Boult. Single Image Deblurring for a Real-time Face Recognition System. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2010), November 2010, Phoenix, AZ
W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, B. Heflin, and T. Boult, "Difficult Detection: A Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Eye Detection for Unconstrained Environments," presented at the Third IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2009), September 2009, Washington, D.C.
T. Boult and W. Scheirer, "Long Range Facial Image Acquisition and Quality," in M. Tistarelli, S. Li and R. Chellappa, editors, Biometrics for Surveillance and Security. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Walter J. Scheirer, Abhijit Bendale and Terrance E. Boult, Predicting Biometric Facial Recognition Failure with Similarity Surfaces and Support Vector Machines, IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics 2008
Michael Eckmann and Terrance Boult, Spatio-Temporal Consistency and Distributivity as Qualities of Features, IEEE Workshop on Visual Localization for Mobile Platforms, June 2008.
W. Scheirer, R. White, and T. Boult, "Privacy Enhancement via Adaptive Cryptographic Embedding," National Homeland Defense Foundation's Emerging Technology Day, October 2008, Colorado Springs, CO.
T. E. Boult ``Beyond the BS, Teaching Innovation'', National Collegiate Inventors And Innovators Alliance, National Conference, 2008.
T.E. Boult, W.J.Scheirer and R. Woodworth, "FAAD: Face at a Distance", SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando FL, April 2008
T.E. Boult and R. Woodworth, "Privacy and Security Enhancements in Biometrics," Advances in Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems, N. Ratha and V. Govindaraju editors. Springer. 2007.
T. E. Boult and J. Haefner "Beyond The Bachelor Of Science," American Society for Engineering Education, 2007.
R.J. Micheals and T. E. Boult, "Improving Variance Estimation in Biometric Systems", IEEE Workshop on Biometrics, June 2007.
Li Yu and T. E. Boult, "Systems issues in Distributed Multi-modal Surveillance," in Multi-modal Surveillance: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems , Z. Zhu and T. Huang editors, Artech Publishers, 2007.
A. Chattopadhyay and T. E. Boult, "PrivacyCam: A Privacy-Preserving Camera using uClinux on the Blackfin DSP," Third IEEE Workshop on Embedded Vision Systems, June 2007
Binglong Xie, Visvanathan Ramesh, Ying Zhu Terry Boult "On Channel Reliability Measure Training for Multi-Camera Face Recognition" IEEE Workshop on the Application of Computer Vision, Feb 2007.
A. Viswanathan and T. Boult, "Power Conservation in ZigBee Networks using Temporal Control" , IEEE Int. Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing, Jan 2007.
Alison Brown, Peter Brown, Jacob Griesbach, Terry Boult, A Wireless GPS Wristwatch Tracking Solution Proceedings of SDR Forum 2006, Orlando, FL, November 2006
B. Xie, T. Boult, V. Ramesh, Y. Zhu, "Multi-Camera Face Recognition by Reliability-Based Selection," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety, October 2006.
Terrance E. Boult, R.C. Johnson, Tracy Pietre, R. Woodworth, Tao Zhang A Decade of Networked Intelligent Video Surveillance , ACM Workshop on Distributed Camera Systems, 2006.
T. E. Boult, "PICO: Privacy through Invertible Cryptographic Obscuration," IEEE/NSF Workshop on Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environments, Nov 11, 2005.
T.E. Boult, "Ultra-wide field of view face recognition," Biometric Symposium Sept. 2005.
G. Zheng, T.E. Boult,C.-J. Wang, "Projective Invariant Hand Geometry: An overview," Biometric Symposium, Sept. 2005.
Weiliang Li, X. Gao and T.E. Boult, " Predicting Biometric System Failure," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety, March 2005.
Biometrics and Privacy Issues, presentation at NIST Personal Identity Verification Workshop.
G. Zheng C.J. Wang and T.E.Boult ``Personal Identification by Cross Ratios of Finger Features , IAPR Workshop on Biometrics Challenges from Theory to Practice, August. 2004
T. Riopka and T. Boult ``The Eyes have it'' , ACM Workshop on Biometric Methods and Applications, Nov. 2003
Yu Li and T. Boult ``Understanding Images of Graphical User Interfaces: A new approach to activity recognition for visual surveillance'', ACM UIST 2003, (Doctoral Symposium and poster presentation) Oct 2003.
T. Boult ``Geo-spatial Active Visual Surveillance on Wireless Networks'' IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop, October 2003.
Binglong Xie, V.Ramesh and T.E.Boult "Sudden Illumination Change Detection Using Order Consistency" Workshop on Statistical Methods in Video Processing (in conjunction with ECCV2002), June 2002. journal version
X. Gao, T.E. Boult, and V. Ramesh ``Error Characterization of Detection and Morphological Filtering'' International Symp. on Mathematical Morphology, (Co-sponsored by IAPR), April 2002
R.J. Micheals, T.E. Boult, ``A Stratified Methodology for Classifier and Recognizer Evaluation'', IEEE Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, Dec 2001.
T.E. Boult, M.C. Chiang and R.J. Micheals, ``Super-Resolution via Image Warping'', Chapter 6 in Super-Resolution Imaging, S. S.Chaudhuri (ed.) ISBN 0-7923-7471-1, Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001.
S. Nayar, P. Belhumeur, T.E. Boult, ``Lighting Sensitive Displays'' SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, July 2001.
Y.U. Chen and T.E. Boult, ``IDNS - a simple approach to Internet host portability'', 8th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. (SoftCOM 2000), pp. 839-848. Oct. 2000 co-sponsored by IEEE COMSOC.
J.W. Kim and T.E. Boult, ``Efficient Run Time optimization with Static Single Assignment,'' in Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS2000), pp 67-74. Lake Balaton, Hungary, Sept 2000. Kluwer.
R.J. Micheals and T.E. Boult, ``On the Robustness of Absolute Orientation'' in Proc. of the Inter. Association for Science and Technology Development (IASTED) Conf on Robotics and Automation, Aug. 2000.
T.E. Boult, ``DOVE: Dolphin Omni-directional Video Equipment'' in Proc. of IASTED Conf on Robotics and Automation, Aug. 2000.
T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, M. Eckmann, X. Gao, C. Power, and S. Sablak, ``Omnidirectional Video Applications'', 8th Inter. Symp. Intelligent Robotics Systems, (Keynote address), July 2000.
C. Power and T.E. Boult, ``Evaluation of an Omnidirectional Vision Sensor for Teleoperated Target Detection and Identification'', in Proc. of the ICRA Vehicle Teleoperation Workshop, April 2000.
T.E. Boult, R.J. Micheals, X. Gao, P. Lewis, C.Power, W. Yin, and A. Erkan, ``Frame-rate omnidirectional surveillance & tracking of camouflaged and occluded targets,'' in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Surveillance, June 1999.
T.E. Boult, ``Personal panoramic perception,'' in Proc. Int. Conf. on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, pp. 383-390, World Sci. Eng. Soc., July 1999.
S. Sablak and T.E. Boult, ``Multilevel color histogram representation of color images by peaks for Omni-camera,'' in Proc. of IASTED Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct. 1999.
T.E. Boult, ``Remote Reality'' SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, July 1998.
T.E. Boult, C. Qian, W. Yin, A. Erkin, P. Lewis, C. Power, R.J. Micheals, ``Applications of Omnidirectional Imaging: Multi-body tracking and remote reality'', IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Dec 1998.
M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult, ``Efficient Image Warping and Super-Resolution'', IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Dec 1996.
L.M.Gottesfeld Brown and T.E. Boult, ``Registration of Planar Film Radiographs with Computed Tomography'', IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging, 1996.
M. Hebert, J. Ponce, T.E. Boult, A. Gross and D. Forsyth (eds) ``3-D Object Representation for Computer Vision'' Springer Verlag Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science., # 994, 1995.
M.Hebert., J.Ponce, T.E. Boult, and A.D. Gross. ``Report on NSF/ARPA Workshop on 3D Object Representation in Comp. Vision'', in Object Representation in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. #994, pages 1-18.
T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and T. O'Donnell ``Physics in a Fantasy World vs Robust Statistical Estimation'' in Object Representation in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., # 994, p227-296.
J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. ``The Image Understanding Environments Program: current status'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1992.
T.E. Boult and George Wolberg. ``Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 684-687, June 1992.
J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. ``The Image Understanding Environments Program.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 406-417, June 1992.
Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``SYMAN: a SYMmetry ANalyzer.'' Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 747-777, June 1991.
T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. ``Energy-based Segmentation of Sparse Range Data.'' pages 43-50, in Curves and Surfaces, P.J. Laurent, A.L. Méhauté and L. L. Schumaker (eds.) Academic Press, NYC, NY, 1991.
Michelle Baker and T.E. Boult. ``Pruning Bayesian Networks for Efficient Computation'', in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Volume VI edited by P.P. Bonissone, M. Henrion, L.N. Kanal, & J. Lemmer as part of the series Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, North Holland, 1991.
T.E. Boult and Mark Lerner. ``Energy-based Segmentation of Very Sparse Range Surfaces'' Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 232-237, 1990.
Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``Recovery of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders from Contour and Intensity Information''. in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 790-795, 1990.
A.D. Gross and T.E. Boult. ``Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders: Analysis of Reflectance Properties and a Necessary Condition for Class Membership''. In Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1989.
T.E. Boult. ``Applications in Computer Vision''. Section 5.4 of Information-Based Complexity by J.F. Traub, G.W. Wasilkowski, and H. Wozniakowski. Academic Press, 1988.
T.E. Boult. ``Regularization: Promises and Problems''. In Proc. of the 41st Annual Conference of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, pages 27-31, May 1988.
T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. ``Recovery of Superquadrics from Depth Information''. In Proc. of the AAAI Workshop on Spatial-Reasoning and Multisensor Integration, pages 128-137, 1987.
T.E. Boult. ``Some Examples and Applications of Information-Based Complexity.'' In Proc. of the First Bulgarian Conf. on Optimal Algorithms, pages 51-64, April 1986. Paper invited by the Bulgarian National Academy of Science.
J. R. Kender, David Lee and T.E. Boult. ``Information-Based Complexity Applied to Optimal Recovery of the 2 [ 1/2]D Sketch''. Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision: Representation and Control, pages 157-167, October 1985.
T.E. Boult. ``A Survey of Some Three Dimensional Vision Systems''. The Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence, pages 28-37, April 1985.
Other Publications2 |
Ventura, Jonathan, Steve Cruz, and Terrance E. Boult. "Improving Teaching and Learning through Video Summaries of Student Engagement.,” CVPR 2016 workshop on Computational Models for Learning Systems and Educational Assessment
Alzahrani, H., & Boult, T. E. (2014, May). Remote authentication using vaulted fingerprint verification. In SPIE Defense+ Security (pp. 90750K-90750K). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
R.C. Johnson W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, Secure voice-based authentication for mobile devices: vaulted voice verification, SPIE Conference on Biometric and Surveillance Technology for Human and Activity Identification X, May 2, 2013.
W. Scheirer, A. Rocha, T. Boult, and S. Goldenstein, " The Unseen Challenge Data Sets," Invited Paper, First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of the Unseen, June 2008, Anchorage, AK.
T. Boult, W. Scheirer and R. Woodworth, "FAAD: Face at a Distance," presented at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, March 2008, Orlando FL.
Alison Brown, Jacob Griesbach, Bruce Bockius, and Terry Boult GPS Tracking Location-Based Service Using Wristwatch GeoZigBee Sensors Proceedings of the ION National Technical Meeting 2007, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2007
T. L. Vogelsong, T. E. Boult, D. W. Gardner, R. Woodworth, R. C. Johnson, and B. Heflin, "24/7 Security System: 60 FPS Color EMCCD Camera with Integral Human Recognition", SPIE Defense Symposium: Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense VII, April 2007.
Alison Brown, Peter Brown and Jacob Griesbach, Terrence E. Boult GeoZigBee: A Wireless GPS Wristwatch Tracking Solution Proceedings of ION GNSS 2006, Fort Worth, Texas, September 2006
M. Eckmann and T.E. Boult, Tubular mosaics http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.417301 Proc. SPIE 4195, 192 (2001).
M. Eckmann and T.E. Boult, `` A Mosaicing Technique from Omnidirectional Video'', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, SPIE, Nov. 2000.
R. Micheals and T.E. Boult, ``Increasing robustness in self-localization and pose estimation,'' in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, SPIE, Sept. 1999.
T.E. Bout S.K. Nayar, R. Wallace, P.K. Allen, R. Blum, J. R. Kender. ``Advanced Visual Sensor Systems'' Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
S.K. Nayar and T.E. Boult, ``Omni-directional Vision Systems'' Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
T.E. Boult, R. Micheals, A. Erkan, P. Lewis, C.Powers, C. Qian, and W. Yin, ``Frame-rate Multi-body Tracking for Surveillance'' Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Nov. 1998.
M.C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. ``Imaging-Consistent Super-Resolution'', Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, May. 1997.
T.E. Bout S.K. Nayar, R. Blum, P.K. Allen, , J. R. Kender. ``Advanced Visual Sensor Systems'' Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, May. 1997.
T.E. Boult and N.Narenthiran. ``Color channel mixing in learning from appearance.'' Proceeding of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
Ming-C. Chiang and T.E. Boult. ``Image warping: Imaging-consistent reconstruction, the integrating resampler.'' Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
J. Dolan, C. Kohl, R. Lerner, J. Mundy, T.E. Boult, and J.R. Beveridge. ``Solving Diverse Image Understanding Problems Using the Image Understanding Environment.'' Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
T.E. Boult, S.K. Nayar, R. Wallace, P.K. Allen, R. Blum, J. R. Kender. ``Visual Sensor Systems: Making them Smaller, Faster, Smarter''. Proc. of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Feb. 1996.
T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and J.W. Kim. ``Dynamic Attributes, Code Generation and the IUE'' In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 405-424, 1994.
T.E. Boult, S.D. Fenster and T. O'Donnell. ``Reinterpreting Physically-Motivated Modeling'' In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 1375-1392, 1994.
Bulent Yener, Terry Boult, Yoram Ofek, "Hamiltonian Decompositions of Regular Topology Networks with Convergence Routing," IBM Research Report: RC 19810, November 1994. (Abstract)
S. K. Nayar, Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult, and John R. Kender. and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 21-36, 1994.
Bulent Yener, Terry Boult, Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung, "Multiple Global Virtual Ring Embeddings on the MetaNet," IBM Research Report: RC 19209, October 1993. (Abstract)
T.E. Boult, Peter K. Allen, John R. Kender and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 60-83, 1993.
J. Mundy, T. Binford, T.E. Boult, A. Hanson, R. Beveridge, R. Haralick, V. Ramesh, C. Kohl, D. Lawton, D. Morgan and K. Price. The Image Understanding Environments Program. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 185-214, 1992.
T.E. Boult and George Wolberg. Correcting Chromatic Aberrations Using Image Warping. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 363-378, 1992.
T.E. Boult and Lisa Gottesfeld Brown. Motion Segmentation Using Singular Value Decomposition. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 495-506, 1992.
Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult, John R. Kender and Shree K. Nayar. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 83-97, 1992.
T. O'Donnell and T.E. Boult. Introduction of Explicit Sensor Models in Parametric Object Recovery. In Proc. of the 1991 SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion, November 1991.
T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. Energy-based Segmentation of Sparse Range Surfaces. In Proc. of the 1990 SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion, November 1990.
John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 11-19, 1990.
Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. Recovery of Generalized Cylinders from a Single Intensity View. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 557-564, 1990.
T.E. Boult and M.A. Lerner. Energy-based Segmentation of Very Sparse Surfaces. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 564-573, 1990.
Ari D. Gross and T.E. Boult. Recovery of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders from Contour and Intensity Information. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, 1989.
John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, 1989.
T.E. Boult and Barry Allen. Integration of Navigational and Positional Information to Recover the Path of a Smoothly Moving Vessel. In Proc. of the 1988 SPIE Symposium on Sensor Fusion.
L.H. Chen and T.E. Boult. An Integrated Approach to Stereo Matching, Surface Reconstruction and Depth Segmentation Using Consistent Smoothness Assumptions. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 166-176, 1988.
T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. On the Recovery of Superellipsoids. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 1052-1063, 1988.
Mark L. Moerdler and T.E. Boult. The Integration of Information from Stereo and Multiple Shape from Texture Cues. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 786-793, 1988.
John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen, T.E. Boult and Hussein Ibrahim. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 78-87, 1988.
T.E. Boult and Ari D. Gross. Recovery of Superquadrics from 3-D Information. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, pages 358-365, 1987.
T.E. Boult and Mark Moerdler. An Experimental System for the Integration of Information from Multiple Stereo Images and Multiple Shape-From-Texture Algorithms. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, pages 115-123, 1987.
T.E. Boult. Updating Distance Maps when Objects Move. In Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Mobile Robots II, pages 232-238, 1987.
T.E. Boult. Using Optimal Algorithms to Test Model Assumptions in Computer Vision. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 921-926, February 1987.
John R. Kender, Peter K. Allen and T.E. Boult. Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 71-77, February 1987.
T.E. Boult. Visual Surface Interpolation: A Comparison of Two Methods. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 446-478, December 1985.
T.E. Boult and J.R. Kender. On Surface Reconstruction Using Sparse Depth Data. In Proc. of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pages 197-208, December 1985.
Graduate Students |
I am currently advising 2 Ph.D. students at UCCS, 1 MS students and employ 4 undergraduate research interns. Over my career I have advised approximately 75 MS thesis projects, and 65 MS projects. I have served on more than 80 doctoral student committees in computer science and more than two dozen in other fields including Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Business, Education, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Psychology.
Logan Maynard: “Advanced Machine Learning And Low-Dimensionality Projection Techniques For Enhanced Gnss Interference And Spoofing Detectionr” 2025; Stevenson Stellar
Chris Gorog: “A Sustainable Framework for Distributed Ledger”, 2023; Entrepreneur
Steve Cruz, “Improving Open Set Recognition”, 2023; Post. Doc. at Notre Dame
Chunchun Li, “Machine Learning: Focus on Clustering, 2022; Entrepreneur
A.R. Dhamija, “Five roads to Open Set Classification”, 2022; ML Project Manager at Samsara
Chad Mello, Towards the Amelioration of Classification Models for Evoked Potentials in Brain-Computer Interface, 2020. Assistant Prof at US Air Force Academy
Y i
James Henerydoss Open-Set Intrusion Recognition using Extreme Value Machine 2019. Intel
Svati Dhamija Learning-Based Visual Engagement and Self-Efficacy 2018. SRI International.
Faris Kateb, Improving Neural Networks Robustness For Computer Vision, Assistant Professor at King AbdulAziz University.
Andras Rozsa Towards Robust Deep Neural Networks 2018. Verisk, Inc.
Adil Ahmad Chainlets: A New Descriptor for Detection and Recognition 2018, Now Assoc Prof at King Abdul Aziz Univ of Science and Technology
Khudran M. Alzhrani Towards Automating Big Texts Security Classification Assoc. Prof at Umm Al-Qura University
Ethan Rudd Better Learning Through Improved Distributional Modeling 2017. Google Inc.
Fawaz E. Alsaadi Advancing Fingerprint-Enhanced Authentication: Consistent, Discerning, and Durable Representation and Matching 2017. Now Assoc. Prof at University of King Abdul Aziz Univ of Science and Technology
Ankur Chattopadhyay Developing an Innovative Framework for Design and Analysis of Privacy Enhancing Video Surveillance 2016, Assistant Professor of Computer Science/Cyber Security Northern Kentucky University
Abhijit Bendale Open World Recognition 2016 Now With Samsung Research America.
Hamdan Alzahrani Remote Authentication Using Vaulted Fingerprint Verification 2015. Now with Prof at Jeddah Technology College .
Lalit Jain Probability models for open set recognition, 2015. Currently at Cisco Inc.
Abdullah A. Albahdal Toward secure, trusted, and privacy-enhanced biometrics in the cloud., 2015. Currently Dean of IT and Distance Learning at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University.
Fahad Alsolami Toward secure sensitive data in the cloud, 2015. Currently Prof at King Abdulaziz University.
Rouhl C. Jonnshon Privacy Enhanced Remote Voice Verification, 2013. Currently at PayPal Inc.
Archana Sapkota Towards A Solution Of Unconstrained Face Recognition, 2013. Currently at Wayfair Inc.
Walter Scheirer "Improving the Privacy, Security, and Performance of Biometric Systems" , 2009. 2008-2012 Director R\&D Securics Inc. Now Assoc. Prof. University of Notre-Dame.
G. Zheng "Projective Invariant Hand Geometry" ,
2007. Currently Associate Dean & Associate Teaching Professor,
University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute
(Co-advised with Chia-Jiu Wang UCCS ECE Department).
Lehigh Doctoral Students Completed: |
Michael Eckmann Sifting For Better Features To Track: Exploiting Time And Space 2007. Assoc. Professor at Skidmore College.
Matthew Zukoski Clinically Medical Compression 2007. Associate Professor at Wilkes University. (Now Deceased)
Binglong Xie Face Recognition from Synchronous Videos , 2006. Initially with Siemens CRC. Currently at Qualcomm Research.
Ali Erkan Application of Hard Real-time Scheduling Algorithms in Period Network Transmissions , 2005, Currently Professor at Ithica College, NY.
Weiliang Li On the performance of Boosting in Computer Vision , 2005, Initially working with Siemens CRC. Now with L1 Identity Solutions division of Morpho Inc.
Yu Li Understanding Images of Graphical User Interfaces, 2004, with ObjectVideo.
Ross Micheals - Biometric System Evaluation, 2003. Was with Biometrics group National Institute for Standards and Technology (Deceased).
Jason Kim - The Meta 4 Programming Language, 2002. Was with Drexel University, now at Stream Processors Inc.
Xiang Gao - Statistical Modeling for Low-Level Vision Algorithms Sept 2002. Now with Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton NJ.
Y. (Ryan) Chen - IDNS: An Efficient Approach to Portability and Mobility Support. June 2002. Joined Agere Systems.
Wayne Betha - Parametric Polymorphism in an Object-Oriented Distributed Computing Programming Environment, May 2001. Joined the Johns Hopkins Applied Physical Laboratory, Research and Technology Development group.
S. Sablak - Multilevel Color Histogram Representation of Multiresolution Images by Peaks: Room Recognition System. Jan 2000. With Bosch (originally Philips, Inc). working in their Security Products Group.
E.A. Aleisa - Transparent Interoperability in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Platforms, May 1999. Dean, College of Computer and Information Sciences King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Keyang Huang - Storage Placement and Disk Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Multimedia Editing and Retrieval. Dec 1997. Joined Lucent Technologies.
Columbia Doctoral Students Completed: |
Ming Chao Chiang - Imaging Consistent Warping and Super-resolution imaging. June 1998. Professor at National Sun Yat-Sen University. (Finished last 4 years at Lehigh.)
Thomas O'Donnell - Object Recovery and Analysis using Hybrid Models, Oct. 1996. Joined Siemens Research Center, Princeton.
Lisa Gottesfeld Brown - Registration of Multimodal Medical Images: Exploiting Sensor Relationships, Jan 1996. Joined IBM Research, Yorktown Heights.
Wenwey Hseush - Semantic-Based Optimization under Epsilon Serializability, May 1994. Working as a self-employed consultant (mostly on Wall St.)
Bulent Yener - Design of logical and Virtual Embeddings for Combined Routing and Flow Control. Defended April, 1994. Initially an assistant professor at New Jersy Institute of Technology. Now Full Prof. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Micha Lerner Energy-based segmentation, Defended/conferred Spring 1993. Joined Lucent Technologies (originally Bell Laboratories), Murry Hill, NJ. Adjunct at Columbia Univ.
Ari D. Gross: Shape Constraints from parametric and Non-parametric Models. Defended Aug. 1991, conferred Jan., 1992. Joined Computer Science Department at Queens College/CUNY, now Full Prof.
George Wolberg: Digital image warping, Summer 1990. Now a Full Professor in the College of Engineering, City College, CUNY, New York, New York.
Lawrence Wolff: The Polaris System, Defended Aug. 1990, Conferred Jan. 1991. Joined computer science department at John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, rose to Assoc. prof. Left to form Equonix Inc.
Tomasz Jackowski: Average and Probabilistic Solution of Multi-linear problems, Defended/conferred Fall 90. Started a consulting firm. (Jointly advised by H.Wozniakowski, J.F.Traub and T.E. Boult.)
Anargyros Papageorgiou: Average Case Complexity Bounds for Continuous Problems, Defended/conferred Fall 1989. Initially an Assistant Professor in the College of Engineering, City College, NYC NY. (Jointly advised by J.F.Traub and T.E. Boult.) Now a Full professor at City College of New York.
Teaching Experience |
I championed, designed and help shepherd the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees through the CU approval process and am passionate about it. I designed/ developed and initially taught each of the innovation core courses. Note: my official teaching load at UCCS is 1 course per term. I teach more, often much more, because we don't have the resources needed for the Innovation programs, it is important and also because I enjoy it. In addition to the standard courses here I usually teach 3-5 students in independent study courses per term as well as supervising 8-12 students in dissertation credits. As an El Pomar Professor my teaching load was 3 course per year from 2003 until 2008 when El Pomar share of the salary was raised to 50% and my teaching load was reduced to 2 courses per year.
Spring 2024 I “bought out” and did not teach any regular courses as I prepared new online courses.
Fall 2023, CS6000 Ph.d. course on Computer Science Research Methods(Hybrid), and INOV2100 (Technical, Proposal Writing and Presentations) Online.
Fall 2023, I taught CS6000 Ph.d. course on Computer Science Research Methods(Hybrid), and ENTP 1000 .
Spring 2022 I “bought out” and did not teach any regular courses.
Fall 2021, I taught CS6000 Ph.d. course on Computer Science Research Methods(100% online), and ENTP 1000 (hybrid again).
Spring 2021, I taught ENTP1000 as a fully online course.
Fall 2020 I taught CS6000 Ph.d. course on Computer Science Research Methods(100% online), and ENTP1000 (Intro to Entrepreneurship) which was taught hybrid mode (some students inclass some remote).
Spring 2020 I was on sabbatical so did not teach.
Fall 2019 I taught CS6000 (Required Ph.d. course on Computer Science Research Methods), as well as INOV4010, Inov3010, and Inov2010. The latter is the teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. It engages seniors,juniors and sophomores respectively in a course where they apply the innovation process working with external customers to deliver real impact to the customers' company/non--profit.
Spring 2019, I taught Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ENTP4500) with a significantly updated course design with individual rather than team projects. I also taught INOV 1010 introduction to the innovation process (see description below).
Fall 2018, I taught CS2300, CS6000 and Innovation Teams courses INOV4010/Inov3010/Inov2010. Descriptions below
Fall 2018, I taught CS2300, CS6000 and Innovation Teams courses INOV4010/Inov3010/Inov2010. Descriptions below
Spring 2018, I developed/offered an Online Version of ENTP1000, Intro to Entrepreneurship, with online lectures and video-based teamwork for students (Online FCQs did not use the same system so not in my course evaluation packet). This was to evaluate ideas to use in the online Master of Innovation which we hope to launch soon. In addition, I also taught and Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ENTP4500) described below and a small section of INOV4100 Innovation practium, (where I help student actually launch their companies.
Fall 2017 I taught BLAW 2010 to over 98 students, and CS2300 Computational Linear Algebra, Descriptions are below
Spring 2017 I taught CS Research Methods (CS600), and Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ENTP4500). Descriptions below.
In fall 2016, I revised Computational Linear Algebra (upgrading from CS1300 to CS2300 and increasing programming content). I also taught Innovation Teams courses INOV4010/Inov3010/Inov2010.
In spring 2016, I taught Innovation Teams (INOV4010/Inov3010/Inov2010), Intro. to Entrepreneurship (ENTP1000) and Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ENTP4500). Descriptions below.
In Fall 2015 I developed and taught CS6000, Introduction to Commuter Science Research Methods to 30 students. This is a new course designed for Ph.D. students in their first term. It provides an overview of important research methodologies, practical skills and an overview of the different CS research subareas. Faculty from different sub-disciplines provide lectures on their own research, while students read papers in each area and discuss.
In Fall 2015 I taught CS1300, Computational Linear Algebra to 70 Students. This was a course I designed to teach Computational Linear Algebra to freshman students. It can be taken before calculus so students can begin CS topics, including graphics, without delay. It focuses much more on computational issues, including topics such as Graphics Computations, roundoff/stability, SVD, Kalman Filtering.
In Spring 2015 I taught a weekend university version of version Business and Intellectual Property Lab (BLAW2010) to 35. This is a course covering basic issues of law, from Torts to contracts, as well as intellectual property law including patents and the construction of patents claims.
In Spring 2015 I taught a weekend university version of Introduction to Entrepreneurship (ENTP1000) to 32. This is a course covering basic issues of entrepreneurship using a Lean-launch model similar to that used in the NSF I-Corp program. The course is largely freshmen.
In Fall 2014 I taught CS1300, Computational Linear Algebra to 66 Students. This was a new course designed to teach Computational Linear Algebra to freshman students. It can be taken before calculus so students can begin CS topics, including graphics, without delay. It focuses much more on computational issues, including topics such as Graphics Computations, roundoff/stability, SVD, Kalman Filtering.
In Fall 2014 I co-taught Business and Intellectual Property Lab (BLAW2010) with Rory Lewis. This is a course covering basic issues of law, from Torts to contracts, as well as intellectual property law including patents and the construction of patents claims.
In Spring 2014, I designed and co-taught with my student A. Bendale, a course on Big Data. This is a mixed graduate and undergraduate course with a total of 32 students. The course covered an introduction to big data, machine learning and pattern recognition for big data, GPU/CUDA programming and programming with Hadoop.
In Spring 2014, I co-taught with Rick Redella a section of 44 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2013, I co-taught a section of 35 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2013, CS1300, Computational Linear Algebra to 51 Students. This was a course designed to teach Computational Linear Algebra to freshman/sophomore students. It can be taken before calculus so students can begin CS topics, including graphics, without delay. It focuses much more on computational issues, including topics such as Graphics Computations, roundoff/stability, SVD.
In Fall 2013 I co-taught, with Colleen Stilles, Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV2100) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, student advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Fall 2013, I co-taught a section of 35 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2013, I developed and taught INOV6100, a new course on Proposal and Technical writing for graduate (mostly Ph.D.) students. This was prototyping for a course for our proposed graduate program in innovation. The class had both online and in-class students, with 26 students in total. The advanced graduate-level course covered technical/science writing and proposal writing. Students advances their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money and submitting papers for publications. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Spring 2013, I co-taught a section of 39 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2012, I co-taught a section of 43 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2012 I taught CS1300, Computational Linear Algebra to 46 Students. This was a new course designed to teach Computational Linear Algebra to freshman students. It can be taken before calculus so students can begin CS topics, including graphics, without delay. It focuses much more on computational issues, including topics such as Graphics Computations, roundoff/stability, SVD, Kalman Filtering.
In Spring 2012 I co-taught, with Colleen Stilles, 41 students in Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV2100) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, student advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Fall 2012 I co-taught, with Rick Redella a section of 42 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2012 I co-taught, with Nina Polok a section of 45 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2012, I developed and taught CS1300, Computational Linear Algebra. This was a new course designed to teach Computational Linear Algebra to freshman students. It can be taken before calculus so students can begin CS topics, including graphics, without delay. It focuses much more on computational issues, including topics such as Graphics Computations, roundoff/stability, SVD, Kalman Filtering.
In Fall 2012 I co-taught, with Nina Polok a section of 42 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2012 I co-taught, with Nina Polok a section of 45 students in Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2012 I co-taught, with Rory Lewis, 42 students in Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV2100) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, where students advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Fall 2011 I was on sabbatical and did not teach classes (though I visited many :-)
In Spring 2011 I co-taught two sections of Intro. to the Innovation Process (INOV1010) The second course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a freshman course on the innovation process, explaining how to transform ideas into impact.
In Spring 2011 I co-taught, with Rory Lewis, Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV2100) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, student advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Spring 2011 I co-taught sections of Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2010 I co-taught multiple sections of Intro. to Entrepreneurship (ENTP1000) The first course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a freshman course on entrepreneurship, with a slant toward technology-based entrepreneurship.
In Fall 2010 I co-taught Innovation Teams (INOV2010, INOV3010, INOV4010) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2010 I co-taught two sections of Intro. to the Innovation Process (INOV101) The second course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a freshman course on the innovation process, explaining how to transform ideas into impact.
In Spring 2010 I co-taught , with Rory Lewis, Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV210) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, student advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Spring 2010 I co-taught sections of Innovation Teams (INOV201, INOV301) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Fall 2009 I co-taught two sections of Intro. to Entrepreneurship (ENTP100) The first course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a freshman course on entrepreneurship, with a slant toward technology-based entrepreneurship.
In Fall 2009 I co-taught Innovation Teams (INOV201, INOV301, INOV401) The teams' course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
In Spring 2009 I co-taught two sections of Intro. to the Innovation Process (INOV101) The second course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a freshman course on the innovation process, explaining how to transform ideas into impact.
In Spring 2009 I co-taught section Intro. to Technical and Proposal Writing and Presentation (INOV210) The third course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees, student advance their writing skills, including writing a proposal for real money. They also improve their oral presentation and persuasion skills.
In Spring 2009 I co-taught sections of Innovation Teams (INOV201, INOV301) The teams course in the Bachelor of Innovation family of degrees. This is a sophomore/junior/senior team course on applying the innovation process and supporting external customers.
-Fall 2009: ENTP100 -- Introduction to Entrepreneurship (81 students)
-Fall 2009: INOV201, INOV301, INOV 401 Innovation Team classes (w G. Stock) (76students)
-Spring 2008: INOV101 Introduction to Innovation (74 students)
-Spring 2008: INOV210 Technical Writing, Proposals and Presentations (with R. Lewis) (28 students)
-Spring 2008: INOV202, INOV302 Innovation Team Classes (w. G. Stock) (28students)
-Fall 2008: ENTP100 -- Introduction to Entrepreneurship (85 students)
-Fall 2008: INOV201 and INOV301 Innovation Team, Reporting and analysis (28students)
-Fall 2008: CS506 Biometrics (7 students)
-Fall 2008: ItechKnow (45 students)
-Spring 2008: INOV101 Introduction to Innovation (35 students)
-Spring 2008: CS506 Advance Topics In Security (8 students)
-Fall 2007: ENTP100 -- Introduction to Entrepreneurship (35 students)
-Fall 2007: ItechKnow (45 students)
-Spring 2007: CS330 -- Software Engineering
-Fall 2006: ID101-14 -- ITechKnow: Engineering Innovation and society.
-Fall 2006: CS505 -- Computational Image Processing.
-Spring 2006: CS330 -- Software Engineering
-Spring 2005: CSCS601 -- Intellectual Property, Tech. Transfer and Patenting in Engineering.
-Fall 2004: CS692 -- Advanced Security Systems.
-Fall 2004: CS316 -- Programming Languages.
-Spring 2004: CS584 -- Computer Vision Systems.
At Lehigh
-Spring 2003: CSC403 -- Advanced
Operating Systems.
-Spring 2002: Co-teaching ECE216
-- Software Engineering. Class size 90, 1 TA. I co-taught this course
with C. Hofmeister. I handled the software and tool issues of the
class. Project intensive course on software development and software
engineering. Many ``team'' assignments plus individual programming
assignments. Project nature requires significant interaction with
individual team members (outside of class).
2002: CSC392/ECE392 -- 12 students, NO TA.
- Fall
2001: CSC303 - Operating Systems. Class size 93, 1TA. Fundamentals
concepts of Operating Systems with both theory and practice.
Programming intensive course on working with internals of Minix and
Windows NT Many ``team'' assignments plus individual programming
- Fall 2001: ECE251 - Senior Projects.
Class size 36, NO TA. A collection of projects where students combine
skills from their CS/CE undergraduate program to solve a real
- Fall 2000: CSC392/ECE392. 8 students.
- Fall 2000: CSC303 - Operating Systems. Class size
120, 0.5 TA.
- Fall 2000: ECE251 - Senior Projects.
Class size 28.
- Fall 2000: CSC392/ECE392 - 4
- Spring 2000: ECE216 - Software
Engineering. Class size 110, NO TA. Project intensive course on
software development and software engineering. Many ``team''
assignments plus individual programming assignments. Project nature
requires significant interaction with individual team members
(outside of class).
- Spring 2000: CSC392/ECE392 -
9 students.
- Fall 1999: CSC303 - Operating
Systems. Class size 75, NO TA.
- Fall 1999: ECE251
- Senior Projects. Class size 25, NO TA.
- Fall
1999: ECE404 - Computer Network. Class size 38, NO TA. Fundamentals
of data communications and networking, from the physical layer
through applications. Theoretical assignments and team projects.
Spring 1999: ECE216 - Software Engineering. Class size 90, NO TA.
project-intensive course on software development and engineering.
- Spring 1999: CSC450 - Computer Vision and
Graphics. Class size 10, NO TA. Seminar class looking at the
interaction of computer vision and graphics with an emphasis on 3d
model building from vision and rendering and image-based graphics.
- Fall 1998: CSC303 - Operating Systems. Class size
60, NO TA.
- Fall 1999: ECE251 - Senior Projects.
Class size 22, NO TA.
- Spring 1998: ECE216 -
Software Engineering. Class size 60, NO TA.
Spring 1998: CSC313 - Computer Graphics. Class size 28, NO TA. Theory
and practice of computer graphics. Four programming projects using
Open GL.
- Spring 1998: CSC350-10 - Custom Video
Network Programming (Joint with S. Corbesero). Class size 12, NO TA.
TCP-IP programming with an emphasis on client-servers for efficient a
computer vision/video project. Student/team projects.
Fall 1997: CSC303 - Operating Systems. Class size 59, NO TA.
Fall 1997: CSC450 - Autonomous Sensor systems. Class size 6, NO TA.
(with 3 other students ``sitting in''). A ``paper'' based seminar
course investigating the physics, mathematics, electronics and
computational algorithms of advanced ``image-like'' sensor systems.
- Fall 1997: CSC392 - 6 students.
Fall 1997: ECE251 - Senior Lab. Advising 12 teams of 2 students each.
- Spring 1997: CSC350 - Special Topics - System and
Network Admin. Class size 33, NO TA. This class was jointly taught
with S. Corbesero and was offered (above both of our teaching loads)
because of the need for such a course and lack of other CS electives.
- Spring 1997: ECE116 - Software Engineering. Class
size 60, NO TA. project-intensive course on software development and
engineering. (Older version of ECE216).
- Spring
1997: CSC392 - 4 students.
- Spring 1997: CSC450 -
Autonomous Sensor Systems. Class size 9, NO TA. Advanced seminar and
group project.
- Spring 1997: CSC492 - - Object
Oriented Multimedia. 12 students
- Spring 1997:
ECE499 - - Medical Imaging systems. 9 students
Fall 1996: CSC303 - Operating System Design. Class size 55, NO TA.
- Fall 1996: CSC011 - Introduction to Computing.
Class size 15, NO TA. Lab section instructor.
Fall 1996: CSC450 - Special Topics - Teaching Computer Science. Class
size 9, NO TA. Graduate course offered to help teach some of our
students how to be better teachers. Course covered teaching style,
technology, laboratory issues, grading issues. Students had
conceptual assignments, in-class presentations and also ``taught'' a
part of lab section of CS11 (where I observed them and gave
- Fall 1996: CSC392 - - Large Scale
Object-Oriented Systems. 2 Students
- Fall 1996:
CSC492 - - Large Scale Object-Oriented Systems. 14 Students.
Summer I 1996: CSC492 - . 4 stsudents
- Summer II
1996: CSC492 - - Object-Oriented Medical Imaging. 5 students
Spring 1996: CSC190 - Special Topics. 12 students
Spring 1996: CSC492 - . 8 students
- Spring 1996:
ECE116 - Software Engineering. Class size 57, NO TA. Project
intensive course on software development and engineering. Many
``team'' assignments plus individual programming assignments. Project
nature requires significant interaction with individual team members
(outside of class).
- Fall 1995: CSC262 -
Programming Languages. Class size 41, NO TA.
- Fall
1995: CSC492 - Image Understanding Environment. Class size 6, NO TA.
- Fall 1995: ECE404 - Computer Networks. Class size
15, NO TA.
- Summer 1995: CSC492 - : Network/Web
Development. 3
- Spring 1995: CSC313 - Computer
Graphics. Class size 20, NO TA.
- Spring 1995:
CSC450 - Computer Graphics. 9 students
- Spring
1995: CSC491 - Network System Admin./Progress. Class size 11, NO TA.
- Spring 1995: CSC492 - Topics in Object Oriented.
4 students.
- Fall 1994: CSC262 - Programming
Languages. Class size 25, NO TA.
- Fall 1994:
CSC390 : Computer Graphics. (1 student)
- Fall
1994: CSC492 - : Computer Networks. (3 students)
Fall 1994: ECE492 - Physics Based Vision.
At Columbia
Fall 1993: comsw3137 - Data structures and
algorithms. Class size 36, 1 TA. Significantly revised this course to
use C++ and cover basics software engineering issues of abstract data
types, encapsulation and code reuse.
- Fall 1993:
comsw3001 and 4001 - Computer-aided problem solving without
programming. Class size 24, NO TA. Slightly revised versions of my
course 4995-009 (taught in Spring 1993). The courses stresses problem
solving skills using computer tools such as spreadsheets and symbolic
math programs. The 3001 version is a pure-undergraduate course with
no prerequisites. The 4001 version requires calculus and linear
algebra, allowing us to pursue more advanced mathematical modeling.
- Spring 1993: comsw4995-09 - Computer-aided
problem solving for non-programmers. Class size 26, NO TA. A newly
designed course (my design) being taught for the first time. The
course stresses problem solving skills using computer tools such as
spreadsheets and symbolic math programs.
- Fall
1992, Fall 1993: comsw4701 - A graduate/advanced undergraduate
introductory course in artificial intelligence. Revised course with
new texts and lectures. Class size 22,28 NO TA.
Spring 1992: comsw3210 - Discrete Dynamical Systems: Computational
aspects of time varying processes. Class sizes 15, NO TA. A
newly designed course (my design) being taught for the first time.
The course combines material from ODE with discrete dynamical systems
theory and information (sampling) theory. The course stresses the
computational aspects of these problems.
- Fall
1991: comsw3824 - Computer Organization. Class sizes 25, NO TA.
Significantly revamped the course material, bring it more up to date.
- Spring 1991, Fall 1992: comsw3137 - Data
structures for majors. Revised the course to reflect additional
knowledge incoming students, and introduced a new text. Class sizes
30,33 1 TA.
- Fall 1990, Spring 1991:
comsw6998-02 - Topics in Information-Based Complexity. A graduate
- Fall 1989, Spring 1990: comsw4701 - A
graduate/advanced undergraduate introductory course in artificial
intelligence. Class sizes 35, and 30.
- Fall 1989,
Spring 1990: comsw6998-02 - Topics in Information-Based Complexity.
Graduate seminar. Class sizes 6, and 4.
- Fall
1989: comsw6998-03 - Topics in Computer Vision. A graduate seminar.
Class size 11.
- Spring 1989, Spring 1990:
comsw3823 - Digital Logic. An undergraduate course on elements of
digital logic. Class size 40/38.
- Spring 1989:
comsw4995 - Topics in Information-Based Complexity. Graduate seminar.
Class size 5.
- Fall 1988: comsw3824 - Computer
Organization I. An undergraduate course on elements of computer
organization. Class size 40.
- Spring 1988:, Spring
1989 comsw3251 - Scientific Computing. An advanced undergraduate
course on practical applications of numerical analysis. Class size
60/53. Greatly revised the course introducing a new text and placing
more emphasis on understanding/comparing existing numerical
techniques rather than deriving the algorithms and their numerical
- Fall 1987: comsw6991 - Topics in
Computer Science: Computer Vision Systems, A Case Study. A graduate
level course with a class size of 8.
- Spring 1987:
comsw4701 - A graduate and advanced undergraduate level introductory
course in artificial intelligence. Class size 110.
Fall 1986, Fall 1987, Fall 1989: comsw4241 - A graduate/advanced
undergraduate-level course in numerical analysis and complexity.
Class size 40/37/44.
Teaching Duties while a student: |
- Summer 1985: comsw1001 Columbia University CS
Department. Summer instructor for comsw1001- Introduction to Pascal
Programming for Non-Majors. Class size 35. Full teaching
- Spring 1984: Comsw3011 Columbia
University CS Department. In fulfillment of the doctoral program's
teaching requirement. Instructor for comsw3011, an undergraduate
second-semester programming course. Class size 80.
January 1981 to May 1984 - Columbia University Departments of
Mathematics and Computer Science. Teaching Assistant in undergraduate
and graduate courses in Calculus I,II & III, Ordinary
Differential Equations, and Numerical Analysis I & II.
Current/Recent Funding |
PI IARPA BRIAR Program, “Distant Observation Enhancement and Recognition System (DOERS)," Nov 2021-May 2025 , $802,000
NGA STTR program, “MONET”, subcontract from Kitware, $40,000 per year 2022-2024
Campus Co-PI (with R. Lewis), MAOTHRA, $240,000 9/2021-12/2023, MSCI Inc.
3. Campus PI , Semquest/MDA STTR, "HitGrid Design Phase 2,” $360,000, 2019-2022
Campus co-PI, Zhuang, Y., Boult, T. E., Smith, J., "CC* Planning: UCCS Computational Cluster for Science," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $53,935.00. (Funded: December 2020 - November 2021).
Tejay, G., Boult, T. E., "International Alliance of Trust Chains," Sponsored by Colorado State Cybersecurity Funding – UCCS Cybersecurity Initiative, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, $23,000.00. (Funded: August 15, 2021 - June 30, 2022).
Co-PI, NSF Scholarship for Service Program “ Collaborative Research: Colorado-Washington Security Scholars Program, August 2019 - July 2024 $3,081,251
Co-PI Cybersecurity and Blockchain Research, State of Colorado ~$450,000 in 2018-2023, about $90K/year (a research research part of 1.8M/year grant to UCCS – my student wrote the majority of the bill that funded, but campus allocated the majority to other activities).
Past Funding |
PI, DARPA SAIL-ON program “Formalized learning for Open worlds,” Nov 2019-May 2023, $3,400,000
Boult, T. E., "Support of OmniScience STTR,$50,000, " Sponsored by OmniScience/AFWRX. (Funded: February 2020 - March 2021).
Principal Investigator, NSF grant, SCH: INT: Collaborative Research: Learning and Sensory-based Engagement, Arousal and Self-Efficacy (EASE) modeling for Adaptive Web-Empowerment Trauma, $1.4M 2014-2020
Co-PI NSF grant “Coping in Families Affected by California Wildfires and Flooding,” April 2018-April 2020, $158,604
Campus PI “Support for OmniScience STTR,” $32,000 Aug 2019-July 2020.
Campus PI, “ Support of SBIR for Adaptive Systems in Machine learning for Weather,” Adaptive Systems LLC, $7,500. 2019
Campus PI , Semquest/MDA STTR, "HitGrid Design,” $250,000, 2018
Ventura, J. D. (Principal), Boult, T. E. (Co-Principal), "The Graduate Certificate in Innovation at University of Colorado Colorado Springs," Sponsored by VentureWell, Private, $35,345.00.
PI “GIST International Incubation,” US State Department/Venturewell, $17,500.
Campus Principal Investigator, IARPA grant (Univ. Maryland Prime), Janus Face Recognition, $2.1M 2015-2019
PI Naval research lab, “Building OpenSet Deep Networks,” Nov 2017-Dec 2019, 80,000
Principal Investigator, NSF grant, Open Vision - Tools for Open Set Computer Vision and Learning, $498,066 2013-2019
Co-PI NSF REU Program “REU site for Machine learning, computer vision and NLP,” 2017-2019 379,905.00
PI, “Machine learning for UAV Detection/Tracking,” Integrity Applications, Inc. $75,000 2018-2019
Principal Investigator, Semquest/MDA STTR, "HitGrid Design,” $40,000, 2017
Principal Investigator, Socom/TauTech SBIR, "Long-range face recognition,” $40,000 2017
Co-PI NSF Grant A Security-Integrated Computer Science Curriculum for Intensive Capacity Building September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2018, 337,325.00
Campus Principal Investigator, Google ATAP grant on Continuous Authentication, $75,000M 2014-2015
Co-PI NSF REU Program “REU Site: Machine learning theory and applications,” 2014-2017 375,905.00
Co-Principal Investigator, MDA STTR (with Tier1 Performance) AutoCheck, $50,000 2014
Campus Principal Investigator, "Maritime Biometrics," ONR MURI lead by U. Maryland with $1.3Million to UCCS for 2008-2013. Joint project with collaborators at U. Maryland, UCSD, and Columbia University.
Principal Investigator, "Biometrics on the WEB," NIST 35,722 UCCS for 2012.
Co-Pi (with J. Kalita). National Science Foundation, REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Site for Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, $320,510 2009-2012. PI : "I SEE: Innovation through Synergistic Entrepreneurial Education," NSF Partner for Innovation Program, Contract #0650251, $600,000, 1/08-1/11.
Campus Co-PI Syberneity/NSF SBIR: Online Support Network for Users with Dependencies $50,000, 2010
Campus PI Value Innovation/NSF SBIR: Value Innovation Teaching Toolkit: An Education and Training Simulation for Value Innovation including Web-based Tools $50,000, 2010
Campus-PI (and Company CEO/CTO): "Improving Privacy and Security in Biometrics ," Securics Inc. (NSF Phase I STTR), 100,000, 7/06-7/07. Phase II 500,000, (with 160,000 in options), March 2008 - March 2011
Campus-PI (and Company CEO/CTO): "FAMME: Facial Analysis in Moving Maritime Environments," Securics Inc. ONR Phase I STTR), $100,000 7/07-5/08 Phase II July 2008 - July 2010. Base 500K, UCCS subaward 185K.
Campus-pi: "GPS-Based Tracking System for Trauma Patients," Navsys Inc, (ARMY STTR Program, Phase I) Total $100,000 8/04-2/05. Phase II 10/05-9/07 contract for $750,000 with a $225,000 subcontract to UCCS. (Phase II joint with X. Zhou at UCCS)
Campus-PI : Web-based Empowerment Program for Disaster Victims and First Responders NIMH Phase I SBIR with TraumTech Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract 91,000 4/08-4/10
Campus-PI (and Company CEO/CTO): "FIINDER: FPGA-enhanced Image Intensified Network Detector with Embedded Recognition.," Securics Inc. (Phase II SBIR), Contract Base $750K, Options $700K, UCCS subwarard $120K 4/07-3/09
Principal Investigator, "C2Fuse: Automated Image understanding for Command and Control," 1.7Million for 2005-2008. Joint project with subcontracts to V. Ramesh at Siemens CRC and S.Z. Chen UCLA.
Campus-PI : "SyncEZ: Real-time synchronization on Zigbee networks ," NIST Phase I SBIR with Navsys Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract $23,000 . 7/08-1/08
Campus-PI : "ALIVE: Augmented Live and Virtual Engine: ," NAVY Phase I SBIR with Combat Training Systems Prime. Campus subcontract (Base +Option) $30,000 . Base 4/08-12/08, Option 12/08-3/09
Campus-PI: "SEE PORT: Surveillance and Enemy Evaluation with PTZ and Omni-directional Reconnaissance Technology," Remote Reality Inc (ONR SBIR Phase II), 1,500,000 (with $375,000 subcontract to UCCS) 8/04-10/06
Campus-PI: "An Innovation Curriculum," National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, $22,000 8/2005-12/2009.
Co-Principal Investigator, ``Flexible Imaging Systems'', DARPA Human Identification at a Distance (HID) program, $1,450,000 for 4 years. Original Contract to Lehigh, (Includes a $900,000 Subcontract to Columbia, and $123,000 subcontract to UCCS) 2000-2004.
Campus-PI: "A physical approach to optical underwater imaging," ONR Total contract $550,000, joint with Columbia and CMU. UCCS subcontract of $150,000. 10/04-10/07
Co-PI: "Stegi @ Work,”" Colorado Engineering Inc. (With T. Chammilard at UCCS) (Air force STTR, Phase I) Total $100,000 (56K for UCCS) 9/04-6/05. Phase Total 750,000, UCCS subcontract $260,000 10/05-9/07.
Campus-PI (and Company CEO/CTO): "MOCA: Monitoring of Crowd Activities ," Securics Inc. ( Phase I SBIR), 100,000 2/07-7/07
Campus-PI: ``NEATR: Network Enhanced Automatic Target Recognition'', SemQuest, Inc. ONR Phase I STTR, $100,000 ($30,000 to university), 8/07-6/08
Campus-PI: ``Micro-Camera for Oceanographic Properties and Shallow Water Hydrography,'' Navsys Inc (ONR Phase I SBIR 11/06-5/07.) $20,000 to university in Phase I. Phase II selected for award. University component $75,000
Co-Principal Investigator, ``Methods for Controllable and Flexible Imaging," ONR, 450,000 for 2005-2007, (Includes a $180,000 Subcontract to UCCS. Joint with S. Nayar at Columbia)
Campus-pi: "Zigbee network analysis for Geo-Telemetry," Navsys Inc, SOCOM, Total $75,000, with $40,000 subcontract to UCCS 50K 8/05-1/06.
Campus-pi: "Landmark-based UAV Navigation," Navsys Inc, (ONR SBIR Program, Phase II) Total $750,000, with $50,000 subcontract to UCCS 50K 8/04-12/05.
Campus-pi: "Landmark-based UAV Navigation," Navsys Inc, (ONR SBIR Program, Phase II) Total $750,000, with 50K subcontract to UCCS 50K 8/04-12/05.
Co-PI: "Empowerment Dynamics and Decision Making in the Extreme," Networking Information and Space Security Center (sub award from Air Force Research Lab under agreement number F49620-03-1-0207) $40,500
Co-PI: "Networking Equipment," Intel Equipment donation. 62K for the VAST lab ; 129K total across the UCCS CS department.
PI (with X. Zhou Co-PI): "Dynamic data fusion network and QoS aware Tiered Video Stream for Video Surveillance and Monitoring," Networking Information and Space Security Center (sub award from Air Force Research Lab under agreement number F49620-03-1-0207) $42,500
Co-Principal Investigator, ``Advanced High Dynamic Range Sensors, ONR, 450,000 for 2002-2005, (Includes a $50,000 per year Subcontract to UCCS. Joint with S. Nayar at Columbia)
Campus-PI: "Intelligent Imaging Systems," Stream Processors Inc (ONR STTR program, Phase I). Total $100,000 8/04-2/05
Campus-PI: "Catadioptric Canvas," Remote Reality (Missile Defense Agency STTR, Phase I) Total $100,000, 6/04-6/05. Phase II proposal invited.
PI: "Detectability of Chemical Weapons in Maritime Cargo," Networking Information and Space Security Center (sub award from Air Force Research Lab under agreement number F49620-03-1-0207) $6,500
Campus-PI: "Content-oriented Reading Software for Struggling Readers," Active Artz Inc (Dept. of Education SBIR program, Phase I) Total project $100,000. 6/04-2/05. Phase II proposal invited.
Co-Principal Investigator, ``Vision in Bad Weather'', DARPA Human Identification at a Distance program. Initial 2000-2004 contract for $420,000 (including a $90K per year subcontract to Lehigh from Columbia).
PI: "Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition," from Siemens Corporate Research Center, $35,000. (At Lehigh) 2002-2004
Principal investigator, ``Omni-directional Tracking Systems'', Night Vision Lab (Smart Sensor Web), $167,000. 2001-2003
Principal Investigator, ``Delayed Delivery and Network Routing Optimization, PADCOM & the Ben Franklin foundation , $118,000 2001-2002.
Principal Investigator, ``Laying the Foundations for Computer Science and Engineering Educational Expansion'' LUCENT, Lucent Foundation, $100,000 2001-2002.
Principal investigator, ``DSP Vision Systems for Surveillance'', from McQ Associates $50,000. 2001-2002
Co-Principal investigator, ``Wireless and Networking Education'', from AT&T Foundation, $100,000. 2001-2002
Co-Principal investigator, ``DSP Architecture and Support Tools'', from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance $335,000. 1999-2002
Co-Principal Investigator, ``Instrumentation in support of research in automated sensor systems'', Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), $115,500, 1999-2002. Principal Investigator, ``Autonomous Sensor Systems for Manufacturing'', DOD MURI program, 5-year award, 1995-2000, $5 Million, with a $375,000 per year subcontract to Columbia.
Principal investigator on ``Omni-directional Imaging for Smart Sensor Web'', Night Vision Lab Smart Sensor Web, (Subcontract through Remote Reality, Inc.) $67,000. 2000
Co-Principal investigator on ``Building Bridges in the Sky: A Model for University K-12 Partnerships, from AT&T Foundation, $100,000. 1998-2001
Principal investigator on ``Vision-based Security'', from Siemens Corporate Research Center, $35,000. 1999-2000
Co-Investigator, ``Omnidirectional Sensors and Live IUE Images'', DARPA IU/VSAM program, 1997-2000, $750,000.
Principal investigator on ``Omnidirectional Security'', from Siemens Corporate Research Center, $50,000. 1998
Faculty investigator on ``Attenuation of Artifacts in Direct Radiographic imaging'', from Sterling Radiology, $25,000. 1998
Co-Pi on NSF Academic Research Instrumentation grant to build a ``Giga-Op computation/simulation environment'' for the Lehigh EECS Department, $500,000 from NSF and $250,000 university matching funds, 1994-1998.
Presidential Young Investigators Awards program, #IRI-90-57951. 5-year award, 1990-1995 (+1 year extension). For (450K total including industrial match). Each year it provides $25,000, plus matching of industrial support for a combined total of $62,500 per year. My industrial matching support has been from A&TT, IBM, Seimens, and Texas Instruments.
Principal Investigator, ``Prototyping the IUE'' supported by Battelle. Contract funded amount $23,000, 1992-93 and $30,000(94-95), $25,000 (96-98). Support for our effort on specification and prototyping of the IUE software system.
Principal Investigator, ``Instrumentation in support of research in automated sensor systems'', Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), $72,500, and $60,000 university matching funds, 1995.
Co-Pi (with P. Allen) on NSF educational grant for combined research-curriculum development in technological areas of national importance: Instructional Lab Modules for Machine Vision, award amount $200,000, 1993-1996.
Faculty associate (one of 4 faculty members) on Research in Computer Vision and Robotics, supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Contract funded amount $900,000 per year, 1992-1995.
Co-Pi (with J. Ponce U. Ill and M. Hebert) on NSF/ARPA grant for a workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision $20,000, 1994.
Co-PI on NSF CISE Institutional Infrastructure grant to Columbia University. Provided 3.278 Million for 1991-96 to improve the CU CS department computing infrastructure. A departmental level grant, though I was one of the principal architects/Authors (and on earlier attempts in 1989 and 1990.)
NSF Research Opportunity Award (ROA) providing $16,500 for the summer support and travel for a colleague (R. Metlar at LIU) to allow him to pursue joint work with me. (1991)
NSF CISE Equipment grant, July 1991 Provided $38,000 for purchase of a laser range finder. (With Peter Allen)
Co-Pi Research in Artificial Intelligence, supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. A renewal of grant N00039-84-1065, funded amount $2.7 million for 12/88-10/91.
Principal Investigator, Research in Acquisition of Three Dimensional Information from NSF division on Robotics and Machine. Intelligence. Grant #IRI8800370, funded amount $120,000 for 1988-1991. An REU (Research Experience for undergraduates) supplement of $6000 awarded in 1989.
Principal Investigator, Complexity Analysis and Optimal Algorithms for Nonlinear Problems. Funded as part of the NSF Research Initiation Awards Program, Computers and Computation Division, Grant #CCR8809022. Funded amount of $57,059 for 6/1/88-11/30/90.
Principal Investigator, Applications of Image Reconstruction and Image Warping in Entertainment and Medical Diagnosis, a seed grant from New York State's Center for Advanced Technologies program. Provided $20,342 for 1990.
Co-PI on Research in Artificial Intelligence, supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Grant N00039-84-1065, funded amount $1.5 million per year, 12/87-11/88.
Industrial Experience |
October 2004-Dec 2016 -- Founder, CEO/CTO of Securics, Inc which is commercializing biometrics technology developed at UCCS including facial attribute technology, patented secure revocable biometric technology that protects privacy , and our biometric verification and technologies , person detection/tracking technology and Projective invariant hand-geometry recognition. In 2006 Securics was a Celebrate Technology finalist for Break-Through Technology of the year. Securics grew to 10 employees with a total of over $7.75Million in revenue. The company focused on providing biometric solutions that enhance security while protecting privacy. Securics was selected by the US Military to develop a long-distance, outdoor facial recognition system. The core patented technologies were sold to CrossMatch Technologies and are still in commercial use as of 2020.
May 1998 to Dec 2014 - Consultant to RemoteReality, Inc. Working on Omni-directional image systems applications. Worked with them from pre-startup days, through VC funding and product releases. Later work was supporting them on their next-generation intelligent embedded 360 camera applications.
January 1996 to 2007 -- Independent Consulting for various Government Agencies, Systems Integrators, VC and other service providers on technology assessments and intellectual property assessments.
May 2002 to 2004 -- Chief Technology Officer, GuardianSolutions Inc. (Full-time summer and while on sabbatical.) GuardianSolutions was a startup addressing video surveillance. They signed an exclusive license with Lehigh in Sept. 2002 for Dr. Boult's vision detection/tracking systems. Worked with customers on final product requirements, lead reimplementation/productization and deployments. Systems deployed at multiple major US ports. Total revenue was about $8Million before being acquired by the Telephonics division of Griffon Industries.
May 1987 to 1995 - President of and primary consultant for Bytes and Brains Inc. Primarily a subcontractor to Bell Laboratories. Presented courses, at locations in NJ, PA and IL, on advanced computer architectures, computer organization, digital logic, scientific computation.
Summer 1984 - AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ. Summer Member of Technical Staff. Designed and implemented computer vision modules to detect, link, and label edges in gray-scale images. Incorporated new modules into an existing computer vision system, extending its binary image object recognition to a more flexible gray-level image-based object recognition.
January 1983 to September 1983 - Hershfeld, Stern, Moyer, and Ross, NYC, NY. Actuarial/Systems Programmer. Designed and implemented a large general-purpose program for the management of employee stock ownership plans. Functioned as an internal technical consultant for the purchase and installation of a PRIME 2250. Customized operating system of the 2250, and established a data link to a PRIME 750.
September 1981 to January 1983 - NASA - Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NYC, NY. Scientific Programmer. Programmed an IBM 4341 in Fortran under MVT and CMS. Designed and implemented a system for statistical comparisons of the analysis of climatic modeling programs. Using an interactive graphics device, and subsequent FORTRAN programs (some of my own design), prepared digital satellite images for climatic analysis. Designed/implemented a database of albedo properties of the earth's surface sampled at a 4 square mile resolution. (Part-time Sept.-May, full-time summers)
Professional Activities |
Co-founder, Board member and Treasurer: Computer Vision Foundation (2011-present)
Associate Editor IEEE TBIO 2019-2022
General co-Chair IEEE CVPR2020
Associate Editor Int. Journal Computer Vision (IJCV), 2014- 2019
CVPR technology chair 2015-2021
WACV finance and technology chair 2018 - 2021
General co-Chair IEEE AVSS2016
Area chair IEEE CVPR2004 CVPR2013 CVPR2015, CVPR2020
Finance Chair, IEEE CVPR 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014,2015, ICCV 2007, 2011, IEEE MOTION2007, IEEE WACV 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2021, and a few smaller meetings
General and Program Co-chair, IEEE WACV 2012, 2014
General and Program Co-chair, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2011
Program Co-chair, IEEE International Joint Conf. on Biometrics, 2011, 2014
Vice-President for Conference and founding member IEEE Biometrics Council, 2008-2010
Vice-President for Education IEEE Biometrics Council, 2010-2011
Chairman (Jan 2006-2010) IEEE Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Member IEEE PAMI Conference committee. 1989-present.
Co-Organizer Program Committee on 3-4 IEEE Smaller Workshops per year (not listing all of them) since 2005.
Have taught 15 SBIR/STTR Workshops, and routinely help local companies with the SBIR/STTR process. Since joining UCCS in 2003, I have help partner companies win over 14Million in SBIR/STTR funding.
Multiple community outreach efforts including working with the Classical Academy Young Inventors Program.
General Chair/Organizer, Winter Vision Multi-meeting (IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision, IEEE Motion 2005.) Program Chair, IEEE WACV2005, Again in 2008
Program Committee and Organization committee, First Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium: A Community and Academic Forum (BIOT-04) and again in BIOT-05, BIOT-06
Organizer, IEEE Inter. Conf. on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Special Session on Networked Physical Security and Surveillance
Area Chair, IEEE CVPR 2004
Program Committee, IEEE CVPR 2003
Organizing Chair, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Computer Vision, June 2003
Program Committee, IEEE WACV 2002
Program Committee (and Internet support), IEEE CVPR 2001
Program Co-Chair, IEEE Workshop on Stereo Vision, 2001
Program Committee and Keynote speaker, IEEE Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking Systems, 2001
Program Committee, IEEE ICCV 2001
Organizing Committee, IEEE Workshop on Multi-Object Tracking, July 2001
Program Co-Chair, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Dec 2000.
Keynote speaker, 8th Inter. Symp. Intelligent Robotics Systems, July, 2000
Finance & Local Arrangements Chair, Program Committee, IEEE CVPR June 2000.
Program Committee, IEEE Workshop on Visual Surveillance, 2000
Program Co-Chair, Workshop on Frame-Rate Algorithms (held in conjunction with ICCV 99), 1999
Program Committee & Area Chair, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 1998.
Program Committee & Finance Chair, IEEE Workshop on Application of Computer Vision 1998.
Program Committee IEEE CVPR 1997.
Computer Area Chair, Lehigh Valley section of IEEE 1996-1997.
Program Committee IEEE Workshop on Application of Computer Vision 1996.
Organizer/Host DARPA-funded IUE summer camps at Lehigh, 1995, 1996, 1997. Also co-Organizer and Presenter for ESPRIT-funded IUE summer camp at INRIA, 1996.
Program Committee for the thrid ACM conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 1995.
Program Committee for the IEEE Workshop on Physics-based Vision, 1995.
Program Co-chair, NSF Workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision, Nov. 1994.
Associate editor for IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 1991-1994.
Local Arrangement Chair and Program Committee for the IEEE Computer Society's Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993.
Member of the DARPA appointed committee developing the Image Understanding Environment (IUE) specification. In charge of design of sensors (and their associated components) and scene models.
Program Committee and Session Chair for SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion I,II,III,IV,V, 1988-1993; and The SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robotics, 1989.
Proposal Reviewer for:
NSF (in Computer Vision, Robotics, CyberSecurity, Numeric and Symbolic Computation, IGERT, SBIR),
DARPA Image Understanding Program,
US State Department
Swiss NFS
Isreal Science Program
NSERC (Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council),
Conference Reviewing/Program Committees :
IEEE CVPR 1989 thru present
IEEE ICCV 1988,90, 96 -present
IEEE BTAS, IJCB and ICB (01-present)
ECCV 2000 -present
ACM Siggraph 96,00,02,03,06
IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation 90,91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 2011, 2015
IEEE Int. Conf. Communication 2006,
ACM Foundations of Software Engineering 95
IJCAI 89, 96, 2002
AAAI 2019
NeurIPS/Nips 2017-2019
+ 10-15 workshops per year
Journal Reviewing :
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
IEEE Access
IEEE Transactions Biometrics
International Journal of Computer Vision,
Image and Vision Computing,
Machine Vision and Graphics International Journal,
ACM Journal on Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Processing,
IEEE Transactions on Networking,
ACM Journal on Graphical Models and Image Processing,
IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Journal of the Optical Society of Americia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
Journal of Complexity,
and the Proceedings of the IEEE.
Miscellaneous Information |
U.S. Citizen, Secret clearance held by SemQuest for our MDA Project
Activities: Scuba Diving, Skiing, Snowboarding, Poetry (with 2 published).
I have an Erdös number of 3 because I have papers with Moti Yung, who has papers with Noga Alon, who wrote papers (5) with Erdös).
In 1992, I placed first in the 1991-1992 Budweiser/NASTAR All-Star
ranking for New Jersey skiers in the 30-39 age bracket. My best time
was just 5% behind the time posted by the NASTAR National
Pace-setter, U.S. Olympian Matt Grosjean.
Gold Medal in
Mountain Dew Vertical Challenge (35+ borders), Keystone Colorado
March 2005.
Gold Medal in Men's Table Tennis Doubles
(recreational division) Colorado' State Games 2004.
Gold Medal
in Men's Table Tennis Doubles (recreational division) State Games of
America, 2005.
Silver Medal in Men's Table Tennis Singles
(recreational division), State Games of America, 2006.
Medal in Men's 40+ Table Tennis (recreational division) State Games
of America, 2006.
Bronze Medal in Men's Table Tennis Doubles
(recreational division) Colorado' State Games 2006.
Gold Medal
in Men's Table Tennis Doubles (recreational division) State Games of
America, 2007.
Gold Medal in Men's Table Tennis (40+
recreational division) State Games of America, 2008.
Gold Medal
in Men's Table Tennis Doubles (recreational division) State Games of
America, 2008.
1 I define "significant publications" as papers, at least 6 pages in length, that appear in journals or conferences with < 35% acceptance rate, with at least two written referee reports, and that are distributed to > 200 people or libraries. Or conference papers which, because of their importance, are later chosen to be included in widely distributed books or achieve significant levels (>50) of citations.
2 Other Publications are those with "minimal reviewing" standard, but where full papers are published, including invited papers and workshops which have minimal reviewing standards (including any that accepts > 50% of papers). University technical reports, and workshops/conferences (e.g. SPIE) that publish only abstracts are not included in this CV.